Chapter 4

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I pushed L away and smirked at him.

"Wow, you seriously think that a little bushel and a peck would make me instantly fall for you and stay here? You really are pathetic. Just as I remember."

I scoffed.

L just looked at me as he obtained a bored look on his features.

"Why so unamused?"

I asked while chuckling slightly.

"Because that was almost too easy."

Suddenly the hall lights bursted on and swat team members filled every exit pathway and held up guns all aimed on me.

"You see (y/n), I knew you were clever and might find a way out of your cell so I decided to stay a bit after hours and see if you would actually have the courage to escape the first night you got here, and you did as I suspected. Thus once you made contact with me, the security cameras that turn off at night strangely enough record the audio yet their is never any video to be found, and with the help of Watari he listened in on our brief conversation and had police awaiting at his call."

He finished while fixing his sleeves.

I laughed nervously then glared at L.

"So you were doing this to what? Humiliate me? Give yourself a sick twisted form of what you call justice?"

"No no no, not the case at all actually, what I was doing was trying to figure out if we needed to heavily guard you in this facility, because let's face it."

He came over to my ear and looked straight on with a dead serious face.

"I'm not letting sick vermin like you out on the streets."

My mouth was slightly parted open and my hands shook.

"Now if you would, please escort (y/n) to her new cell, and remember we need guards on the lookout at all times."

Suddenly some of the officers came over and grabbed my shoulders and forced my to go down the hall, but before we reached the turn, I moved to head to the side and looked at L.

"This isn't over yet deary, I will escape and get my revenge!"

L smiled deviously and waved at me.

"I look forward to watching you try! Good luck old friend!"

My facial expression became sour, making L smile bigger.

"I'll give you hell L."

"And so will I, (y/n)."

Those were the last words we exchanged until the officers lead me down another hall and into a padded cell.

Give them hell...

~Till Death Do Us Part~ L x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now