Our Love

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Author's Disclaimer: I don't own anything. The characters in this story do not belong to me (nor any of the places mentioned, etc.).

Eddward couldn't help but look around the relatively empty town. He felt sadness creep up inside his stomach as he gazed at the empty street. Cul-de-sac was once a happy place, filled with children with relatively no care in the world-whose mind was occupied with thoughts of scams and adventures and escaping obsessive girls. But now...

He breathed a sad sigh, his mind flashing back to their graduation day. Everybody had gone off to do their own thing, leaving behind their measly neighbourhood to pursue something greater-to go to greater and grander cities.

He was one of them of course. He felt little hesitation when he left Peach Creek. The image of buildings towering over him and blinking lights enraptured him, hypnotized him and lured him in. It made him drift far from Peach Creek...from Cul-de-sac, a place he once called home.

It seemed as though everyone had the same idea after High School though. All of them just up and left after High School, looking back at the place with fond eyes and wistful smiles yet never really going back either. It made him sad how easily they could leave.

"Double D?"

The familiar voice made him turn around, surprise evident in his eyes. There, a girl around 5'4 stood before him, looking at him with equal surprise. Her blue hair was longer now, creeping past her ears and shoulders. Her skin was pale and soft looking yet somehow, she looked to be healthier. Her right eye was still covered-something that caused a sense of familiarity and warmth to course through Eddward. Still, her left eye that was visible sparkled brightly and...honestly, he couldn't remember her eyes being that green before. He had always compared it to the dark green of rain forests he read about, alluring and, in a way, mysterious. Yet now, years later, he couldn't help but gaze at her eyes now, so bright that he could compare it to the colour of the leaves during the first day of spring.

When they were kids, the sight of her would've made him whimper and scurry away, trying to put as much distance between them as possible. But now, he didn't feel the familiar feeling of panic course through him. In fact, he felt himself grin stupidly at the sight of this woman (who, at the age of 26, was admittedly quite attractive).

"No one's called me that for a long time now, Marie," he told her, looking at her with a somewhat sheepish expression. Much to his confusion, the feel of her name on his tongue made his senses tingle. Marie smiled and Eddward felt his spirits lift. "So should I call you Eddward then?"

"No, most definitely not," he realized that his tone came out a bit desperate and he quickly brushed it off with what he hoped was an easy going laugh. She laughed as well, making her shoulders shake ever so slightly. He took this opportunity to really gaze at the young woman Marie Kanker has now become.

She had curves at all the right places and a slim figure yet Edd couldn't help but gaze at her face, laugh lines and a smile so bright it could blind him (ugh what was happening? Did coming back here mean he would go back to his 16 year old self? Hormone filled and whatnot?).

"Like what you see?" she gave him what looked to be a seductive smile yet Edd could see the teasing look under all of it. Still, he felt himself blush at her statement, something which he laughed off again, "Actually, I do."

All those years building up his self-confidence finally paid off. For goodness' sake, he was able to breeze through college and now he was quickly becoming known as an exceptionally skilled surgeon. It wasn't a surprise he could flirt back a little (a statement that startled him as well).

Our LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя