Chapter 2

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A/N: This won't be frequent, I'll shut up soon. Anyway decided to try and update again because holy hell, already have a vote, thank you. So, onwards and so forth.


Gwen practically smashed the clock that went off. The reason to her discomfort. She groaned before throwing the covers from her cold body.

"Damn it mom, always sixty eight degrees in this damn house." She cursed, quickly setting her feet on the tile floor to get accustomed to the cold. Glaring at the floor as if it caused the cold, she wiggled her toes, noting the chipping polish on them.

Finally, Gwen got up, only to groan once again at the lack of light from the early morning. She walked to her dresser, grabbing mascara and eyeliner before going to the bathroom. Quickly, she glanced at herself in disgust. There were large bags under her eyes and her hair was outrageously curly.

Hastily, she swiped a thin line of eyeliner over her lid and coated her lashes with the thick, black goo. Again, she looked in the mirror, now feeling a bit better about her appearance. She never bothered with her hair, it was just too much.

Gwen shuffled back to her room to slide into an outfit. Black skinnies and a T-shirt, the usual. Same as every day. She heard her father shuffling around the bathroom before a flush echoed through the no longer silent house.

"Time for school." She said with a sigh.

She slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked out her door. She fiddled with her hands as she walked up to the bus stop, feeling as though all eyes were on her- although no one was looking, nor did they care.

After a few minutes, the bus pulled up. The gray-haired, short, rotund woman spoke in the same cheery voice as every other day, "Good morning!"

Gwen replied, as always, with a quiet "Morning."

She took her normal seat, third row on the right, before taking out her phone and pushing her headphones in her ears and playing the songs to Shuffle.

Soon enough, Ms. Kay, the bus driver, pulled along the school and released the loud high schoolers.

"What fun, school." Gwen thought.

She clambered out the narrow doors of the bus and quickly came to the cafeteria to meet her best, and only, friend; Stacy.

"How's life?" Gwen asked Stacy.

"Peachy." Was the reply.

"Same." Gwen replied sarcastically.

Gwen observed Stacy, taking in her attire. Gray, oversized sweater that somehow showed off her perfect curves. Light bluejeans that clung to her body with boots that ran halfway up her shin. Her short purple hair and septum piercing gave her the perfect edge to her kind face.

After a quick meal, Gwen and Stacy parted ways down the hall to go to their separate classes.

The teachers droned on about their lessons, Gwen taking a couple notes every now and again. After skipping lunch to go to the library for a half hour of reading, she rushed to her 6th period. The only class Stacy and her shared. It also happened to be taught by the beautiful, perfectly sculpted man; Mr. Detweiler.

Stacy and Gwen barely paid attention, merely drooled over this perfect specimen.

"Kylie, what are some distinct differences between the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean trade networks?" Mr. Detweiler spoke, his voice upbeat and positive, easily able to catch anyone's attention.

"Uhm, call me Gwen," she reminded him, hating her first name,"and the Silk Road was made for more luxurious goods, as it was expensive to travel. The Indian Ocean network was quite cheap in comparison, so it held bulk goods and everyday items in its ships." Gwen stated, trying to prove she was, in fact, paying attention.

"Right, I forgot," he smiled, slightly blushing at his mistake,"but yes, good work. Gwen." He made sure to emphasize her middle name in an effort to remember it.

At last, the bell rang. After a short 7th period, Gwen was relieved to have completed another boring Monday.

She yet again climbed the steep steps to the bus and took her set. She noted there was a substitute; he was kind of creepy, glaring at the boys who made their way on and smiling-with a mouth not quite full of teeth- at the ladies.

Just hope he doesn't kill us all. Gwen thought, laughing silently.

But boy did she hit the nose on that assumption, not knowing in mere minutes, she might be the only one to survive from his clumsiness.


A/N: Yes, spoiler and cliffhanger in one. But I hate when books do that so I'm writing the next chapter now in an effort to avoid your guys' wrath. I'll post them at the same time. So, read on guys.


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