Chapter 1

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A/N: Please Read!!
Okay, if you like this please let me know. This is my first book and I'm a bit self conscious. So, just let me know. If just ONE person likes it, I will keep on for them. Aannnddd, READ ON! -Sara
How did it end up like this? Gwen thought as she paced back and forth in the still unknown room.
"Ms. Philbrook, it's an easy solution." The dark purple alien spoke.

"As if." Gwen muttered.
"Simple," he repeated,"kill them, save us. Spare them," he paused,"doom us." His deep voice held authority.

Gwen turned on her heels to face him as he finished his "simple" statement. Her eyes shone with tears, it wasn't as simple as he thought.

"You don't understand!" She nearly shouted,"I have to pick between my family-my species! Or a people I don't know and the love of my li-" Gwen cut herself off whilst a deep shade of red spread across her cheeks.

The alien looked at her, fury in his eyes. He knew she had just admitted to breaking the single rule he had laid out for her. His next words were spoken through gritted teeth (or rather, fangs).
"You. Feel. In. Love?" His voice was steady, although anyone could hear the anger oozing from the words.

Gwen flinched at the hostility in his voice. He reminded her of her father; a man of authority, calm on the outside but always held a tint of anger in his voice or eyes. She didn't know what to say, she had disobeyed his only request. It wasn't her fault though, much less was it a fair rule.

The silence persisted, filling the room with an uneasy tension. He growled at her, fangs bared, before stalking out of the room, muttering in his peoples' tounge.

Gwen was left in the unfamiliar room alone, quietly crying. She couldn't choose. Not between this desperate people along with the only man, or alien, she had ever loved and her people-the human race. Although she was informed about how her species would wipe out this new, mysterious species.

How could anyone choose?

A/N: So, Chapter One is complete! Erm, I think I'll try to update once or twice a week. But seeing as I have school, not to mention college courses, that may waver. Apologies in advance lovelies. Anyway, if you enjoyed please leave a vote or comment or whatever. Also, I appreciate any ideas anyone may have or constructive criticism, so just tell me how I may improve and I'll hear you out. Okay, bye.


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