I guess I'm going to see a lot of Renee today, which is fine by me she seems like a down to earth person. Which to be honest after Nikki it's something I need.

"Hey Rynn, you want to do a test run with me before we actually record?" Renee asking me as I go over to the camera. "Yeah I want to make sure I can get a good angle of you and Cena." Saying back to her while Phil just sits on the floor casually. "Well let's see what you got then." Phil's light voice coming out in a type of squeaky fashion.

After trying test runs three times over before the match of John Cena's is actually over. "You ready!" Renee asking me with excitement bouncing in her voice while we wait for Cena to come back here with us. "Yeah just a bit nervous." Sheepishly admitting to her with Phil sitting by my side still. "Don't worry you'll do just fine." Reassuring me with his big blue orbs making me smile.

It's weir I've only been here for a little while but yet it seems like I fit so well here already. I mean I'm with my best friend Lana all the time now for one. Phil seems super nice and is always to help already. Which is super nice of him to be honest he's like a big brother already. Then there's Renee who's like a super active person who just wants to help me through life. I love it here already.

"It's okay Rynn. Cena's nice enough to do it as many times as we need to so don't worry." Renee's voice saying to me as we hear footsteps getting closer to us. Looking up slightly seeing a fall man in green, orange, and slight yellow. John Cena. It's so weird seeing him in person.

"Did someone say my name?" Asking in a way deeper voice then I thought it would be. I mean yeah you her him on tv all the time but in person it's a big deeper or maybe it's just me. It's probably just me to be honest.

"Yeah we were trying to reassure Rynn that it's okay to record more then once for a good shot. She's new here so she's a bit nervous." Phil shooting up at him making my face flush from embarrassment. Well he surely did say it flat out for me. I guess I don't have to tell him anything.

Looking down not wanting him to see the red of my flushed face. Thanks a lot Phil.

"She shouldn't be I'm not going to bite." Cena saying over to me as I just nod awkwardly. I mean he says he won't bite but he might!

Pointing the camera back at Cena and Renee making sure I have both of then in the screen. Making sure they are both setting well telling them I'm about to record with Phil fixing the lights for me with his tall limbs.

Finishing the recording of the interview with Cena and recording it with Cesaro and also Paige. Phil beside me as he yawn a bit leaning on my shoulder. Which to be honest even thigh he was light he had practically his whole body on me from being a whole foot taller then me. He's 6'3 and 5'3! "Phil!" Whining at him making him just smile before leaning more against me. "I'm so tired!!" Exclaiming to me with a yawn after it making me laugh shoving him off of me. "Oh shush! Come on let's deliver the towel or whatever we have to do before someone sees us goofing off." Stating to him as he just continues to grin down at me. "Fine, let's go."

Following him through some of the hallways just dodging some of the people. Trying to stay out of their way as best as we can until we hit the laundry room. "Well let's just deliver the towels now so we don't have to do it later and then we'll go to the cafeteria and restock some of the food." Phil saying down to me making me groan. "Towel duty is so boring." Telling him in honesty as he just shrugs. "It is but it's better now since I have someone to help me, now come on then!" Rolling my eyes at him but laughing after knowing he's trying to tease me by bossing me around.

Grabbing a basket this time full of towels so it's easier to carry as he does the same going over to the locker areas. "Okay so let's just do what we did last time I'll take this part and you take that part. It just makes it faster." Saying to me with a basket in his hand before walking away before I can even say something.

The Lunatic Fringe and The Sexy Psycho (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now