Maybe Someday (part 5)

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Rhett sat down next to his best friend, who lay unconscious in the hospital bed. Link had gotten into an accident with a drunken truck driver. Christy was sitting next to Rhett and Jessie was babysitting all the kids. After a while of listening to the heart monitor and trying to think positive, Christy headed to the cafeteria.

"Do you want anything, Rhett?" She asked before exiting.

"No, I'm fine." Rhett answered.

"Are you sure?"

"Uh yeah, I'm sure." Rhett politely declined.

Christy left, leaving Rhett and Link alone.

"L-Link?" Rhett whispered to the unconscious man. "Um... I know you're in there." He said, waiting for a response. "*sigh* I'm just going to assume you can hear me. Link, I'm so sorry for not answering you when you told me you loved me more than a friend. I know now that I am in love with you, too. I don't know what I'd do without you, you have been there for me my entire life. I don't know any other. I've known you since the first grade and it took me until now to realize that I love you. I am so grateful that you have been there for me every single day of my life." Rhett cried a single tear that rolled down his cheek and onto the back of Links hand, which Rhett was holding. He choked out the words, "I love you, Link. Please don't leave me." He now had his head burrowed into Link's bedsheets. "Please...please don't leave." Rhett now was whispering. "Link, please."


Rhett listened to the beeps of the heart monitor and began to fall asleep. Christy walked in and helped Rhett back into his chair. She saw Link move his eyelids. Then his fingers. He then reached his hand towards Christy. She took his hand and held it in hers.

"Christy? Where's Rhett?" Link whispered.

"He's asleep." Christy motioned to the side of Link to a tall man slumped in the chair.

"Can you wake him?" Link asked.

"He's all tuckered out. He's been awake since you got here, he needs some sleep."

"Please?" Link pleaded.

"Link-" Christy was cut off.

"Please, Christy, I need to talk to him."

Christy finally gave in and nudged Rhett awake. "Rhett," Christy spoke, "Link is awake and wants to talk to you."

"Link, hey." Rhett said.

"Christy, can I talk to him in private?" Link subtly hinted for Christy to leave.

"Oh, yeah, totally." She replied and walked out.

"I had a dream about you." Link spoke.

"Yeah? What was it about? Rhett asked, intrigued.

"Yeah, you told me that you loved me and you wouldn't know what to do if you had lost me."

"Oh...really?" Rhett said hesitantly.

"Yeah." Link said lowly. "After you said stuff like that, you ran. And I chased after you. And you ran into the woods and it scared me. It was like you were running away from an angry wolf." Link was looking down as if trying to remember but Rhett just stared at Link, wondering if he had heard what he had said. "When you looked back, you stopped running. You came back to me, calmly and asked something like, 'Why did I run? What was I so afraid of?' Rhett," Link was dead serious now. "Why was I afraid? Why did I run away when you said you loved me and that you needed me? Why did I run when I finally got what I was after?"

"I don't know." Rhett finally spoke. He smiled his most gentle smile and repeated, "I don't know."

Link smiled back. "Rhett,"

"Yeah?" Rhett answered while Link was falling back asleep.

"I love you."

Rhett smiled. "I love you, too, Link." He planted a gentle kiss in Link's forehead as he dozed off. "Sweet dreams."

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