Telling the family{Requested}

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I'm so nervous. Chris and I ,after being married for three years,are having our first child. We told everyone except my brother. I'm so nervous and is my husband,Chris. I mean, we've been together for a total of five years and are totally excited for this lovely boy/girl. (I'm only a month or so, I can't really guess.) Chris wants a boy first because he wants to make sure the girl that comes after is thoroughly protected. Although,I can't wait to have a girl because Id find it adorable to see Chris being wrapped around the girls finger. I really need to think of names so I don't have to say boy and girl every time I think of our future baby. Maybe Christopher or James for a boy. For a girl,maybe Alice or Tori. I don't really know. I just want the baby to be healthy and so,that's all I'm focusing on. I feel as if everyone says that,but no one really means it or understands. I don't know. "Babe,are you ready?" I look up from the car and see we are my brothers,Chris Hemsworth's. I suddenly become nervous and as does Chris. "Chris,do you think it'll be okay?" He looks at my directly and can totally sees through me. "Alexis,it'll be perfect. He was happy when we started dating,when I proposed,so why wouldn't he be happy now?" He always knows how to make me feel better. My brother has always been happy for Chris and I,why wouldn't he be happy now? I remember when we told him we were dating. It was for the premire of Civil War and Chris wanted me to be his date. My brother was totally happy for us and let us go together. The rest is history I guess. Apparently Chris already knocked as I was daydreaming;I really need to stop doing that. Hemsworth opened he door and smiled widely. "My baby sister and her husband! (Could you hear the sarcasm?) Chris just chuckled. "Hey,Hemsowrth. I thought I was more than that to you." They both chuckled. I smiled and walked in. "Where's the family,bro?" Hemsowrth shrugged. I let it go. Chris and I sat down on the couch and Hemsworth sat on the chair in front of us. "So Mr. and Mrs. Evans you have something to tell me?" Uh,what? Does he know? Chris and I shared glances. Omgosh he does. How? "H-h-how?" I stumble out. My brother laughs. "Mom can never keep a secret." Then,both the Evans and Hemsworth family comes into view and yell 'congrats!' Chris and I laugh. We enjoyed the party and about 7 1\2 months later out beautiful James was born.

Soooo idk why but this was super hard for me. Although,thank you for the request. If anyone has on DM me and I'll be on it. Also,this would have been updated earlier,but it got deleted when this app was updating....sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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