Chapter 1

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December 10, 127 T.E.
Artemisia, Luna

Today was one of my more stressful days. Then again, every day was one one my more stressful days.  Silly me came prancing up here figuring that all I had to do was kill Levana and sit on her throne.

Boy, was I sorely mistaken.

I wasn't expecting to kick up my feet and do nothing but this was absurd. An endless stack of suggestions, complaints, and love letters piled up, ceiling high, in my office, and I hardly had time to open a single one due to the hundreds of trials that had to be completed by the end of this Earth cycle.  If the daunting task of opening every single one of these letters and my comms didn't kill me I might throw myself into the lake.

Thankfully, Iko had sorted them into piles to make the task slightly simpler.  I was sitting on the floor going through the suggestions right now.  My next task was to thin out the complaints, and much to my disgust, I had to open the personal ones as well.  I had only opened one so far and already decided I would need to mentally prep for the experience.

Some days I questioned whether I was really alive or if all along I was being tortured by some unknown deity in my afterlife.

A knock sounded on the door, "Your Majesty, mail!"

I groaned, "More?"

"Yes, my Queen,"

"Bring it in if you have to," I rubbed a palm down my face, probably further smudging whatever makeup the servants slapped on me this morning. Ugh, makeup.

A tall, dark haired man marched in seeming very professional, but I could see the mischievous smile under his glamour. This particular man showed up all over the place but I still couldn't place him.

"Thank you. Please put them on that pile to your left," I pointed to a messy mountain of unsorted mail.

"You know you could have someone read them for you and decide which ones are important," he looked around with pity written on his forehead.

I smiled, "Yes, but I'd prefer to do it. It gives me a bit of a break from the trials,"

He nods in understanding, "I hear tell that the Earthens are planning something. I suggest you look through these,"

The man picked up a couple of envelopes with colored decorations that were obviously not business letters.

"I planned on looking at those last,"

He nodded, "As you wish, Your Majesty,"

His heels clicked together and he marched out like a soldier marching into battle. I stifled a laugh.

My mind began wandering down to Earth as it often does. All my friends were there except for my escort droid friend, Iko, who chose to keep me company on this rock in the sky. I wondered how everyone was getting along in their travels and what exactly they were doing.

"I wish I could have gone as their mechanic," my head drooped onto my knees.

"I suggest you look through these," the strange man's voice reminded me.

I crawled over to the stack of letters and placed on top was one I'd never seen before. The colors were obviously printed on Earth and the handwriting was in beautiful calligraphy.

I carefully slid my finger under the seal and lifted the fragile paper. Inside was a postcard saying:

Greetings!  Her Majesty and staff are cordially invited to a celebration.

Hosted by : Emperor Kaito of the Eastern Commonwealth
Theme : Winter Holiday
Type : Formal
When : Christmas Eve
Specially Inviting : Her Majesty Queen Selene Blackburn of Luna
RSVP Mr. Konn Torin

I reread the invitation with trembling fingers. Oh how happy Iko would be! I took a picture of it and commed her as fast as my brain would allow me.

I barreled out the door into the arms of the man that delivered my mail.

"I see you took my advice, Your Majesty," he laughed and plucked the envelope from my hands.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"My name is Benjamin Houff and I am here to propose marriage, Your Majesty," he chuckled, "Just kidding,"

Christmas with the Earthens - A Lunar Chronicles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now