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"Grandma, I won't go" I said softly.
"Yes you will, you don't want your nana dirty fo' eating" she answered.
"GRANDMA, I WON'T FUCKING GO" I finally screamed and exited the house.

Me and my grandma live alone in a small sad town in Louisiana. She used to be a prostitute so her conversations are usually dirty and inappropriate, I'm sick of it! You must be wondering why I live with this bitch...well, my parents died in Kansas, during a tornado, its ok... I never met them.

I've just turned 18 today. I can finally leave this house when I finish high school and my grandma is, obviously, freaking out about my sexual life. She is forcing me to visit the gynaecologist, ugh. Although I converted to Islam last year and she perfectly knows I don't want to have sex till I marry, she still believes I won't be able to control my sexual desires. Bollocks!

Anyway,  this morning was still super special for me...I'M TURNING 18 FOR F**** S SAKE! I woke up extremely excited and looked at myself in the mirror. I was clearly an adult now. An adult with an independent soul and will, a strong woman who needs no man! I looked at myself carefully. My black smooth hair, my cherry lips, my perfect green eyes every one talks about, my voluminous curves know what, reader? I'm going to skip this part, I GET IT, IM UGLY!

I left the house very early this morning. Luckily my grandma was still busy with one of her clients from yesterday and didn't force me to drink apple juice like every morning, ugh. When I got to school all my friends greeted me and I received many cute presents. My haters looked so jealous, I loved it! The day couldn't get better. But...then...I remembered the gynaecologist's appointment in the afternoon. I couldn't handle this pressure so I started to cry in the middle of history class.

"What's wrong Lily?" asked Mrs Goebbels  

"I have an appointment with a gynaecologist this afternoon, and I'm too embarrassed for that kind of shit" I politely replied.

Mrs Goebbels looked at me with pity and said: "Oh don't worry darling, it's not even that bad, look the first time I went when I was 16..." 

The class suddenly turned into a discussion about gynaecologists that went on for the whole hour.

"I lost my virginity to my gynecologist," said Stacy
"My gyno was chewing gum the whole time and it fell on my pubic hair, f******* idiot!" said Helena
"My gyno named my vagina Mordor, I was so confused omg" said Steven.

I was obviously terrified by these comments but oh well the experience was yet to come.

My gynecologist Dr.WaltzWhere stories live. Discover now