The fire exit door was swung wide open, the cool night air infiltrating the pub. I followed after Tom who had taken the lead. I had barely made it outside before Harry delivered a hefty punch to Scott's stomach, his body crumpling over.

"You're a waste of space." Harry spat. "What kind of man hits a woman?!"

Tom attempted to guide me back inside, repeating to himself that he should never have brought me. I refused to move, unable to stray from the image in front of me. Harry's hand constricted on Scott's shoulder, holding him in place as he sharply raised his knee, roughly impacting his stomach once more.

"Please, Tom. Stop him."

I stood shivering in fright as I witnessed a boy I knew could be caring and gentle, repetitively strike the male who had marked my skin. Scott had appeared so powerful when confronting me. But now he was unrecognisable, stumbling to the floor, incapable of standing as Harry's fist impacted his jaw.

Tom had complied to my pleading request, grabbing hold of Harry's shoulders, tugging him. I could only watch on as Harry carelessly shoved his friend away, he was too absorbed in inflicting pain to realise who it was. This time Scott received a kick to the shoulder, roughly crying out in agony. I wouldn't be surprised if he walked away with a few broken bones, if he could walk away at all. The way Harry was laying into him was something quite horrific.

This was going to go too far. I attempted to move forwards to the three males, desperate to do something, anything. But I ceased as Tom halted me with his hand, mouthing for me to stay put.

"I'll fucking end you!" Harry bellowed.

My hand clamped over my mouth to smother the sobs. The rage Harry displayed caused my body to tingle with goose bumps. Tom was more determined this time.

"Stop. Harry stop, you're frightening Bo."

The familiar green of desperate eyes flashed to me as Tom used his strength to force Harry turn in my direction. He looked completely lost for a second before his features hardened once more.

"Take her away. I don't want her to see this."

I frantically shook my head, dark waves clouding my vision before I swept them back.

"You're going to lose her. Harry, you're going to lose the best thing that's happened to you if you don't stop!"

His knuckles were dripping red. The colour symbolised danger. And that's what everyone had told me. Harry was dangerous. He was void of emotion as he stared at me, holding my gaze captive.

Tom's words seemed to have formed some sort of barrier, preventing the next hit that would have probably knocked Scott unconscious. Whilst Harry's attention was diverted he'd taken the opportunity to make a cowardly exit, staggering to his feet and running as best he could down the alley way towards the main road. Scott had remained silent through the whole ordeal, maybe it had occurred to him that he could never win. If it hadn't been for Tom and myself he may have been leaving the alley in a body bag.

Harry was forcefully restrained from pursuing Scott; arms held with constricting tightness. I knew it would be agonising for him to just watch as Scott escaped; deprived of the chance to inflict the possibly fatal damage he desired. Even from my position I could hear my name being used as a calming incentive, an encouragement to prevent the anger from bubbling over once more.

I'd apprehensively waited as minutes passed; the resonating sound of Harry's breathing being steadily controlled. Tom released him, Harry's focus landing on me. I despised my own reaction as he moved forward, my feet instantly taking a step out of his reach. Harry worriedly looked to Tom who had come to stand by the side of me.

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