All for myself - |For Nia| (pt.1)

Start from the beginning

"So, did you or did you not chuck up a Hail Mary from almost the half court line mark in hopes that it'd go in?" The interviewer questions, again purposely sticking his recorder in his face.

"Even if I did, it doesn't matter because we executed our play correctly and we got a player open in order to shoot and have a chance to win the game or perhaps go into overtime."

"So you did just chuck up the ball in hopes it did go in? I mean do you even care about this team, because there had been some allegations on how you missed 3 practices prior to this game. Do you even care about winning the championship? Or do you just care about how much money you make?"

Stephen could feel himself getting more irritated by the moment, but then took a deep breath, looked around at all the phones and recorders around him and the people being them staring, at him as if they were waiting for him to say the wrong thing.

"You know what, " he (Stephen) laughs taking off his shirt. "All I know is that we won as a team, even though I made the winning shot, if it wasn't for one of my teammates looking for me and coach Kerr setting up the play to begin with, we might've not even gotten this won. And that's it. End of discussion . This interview is over." He closes, trying to make way past the huddle of people.

"So what your just gonna walk off, again ?? This would be the third interview you walked off from." A lady shouts directly in Stephen's face.

"Alright, guys I think that's enough," Stephen's coach, Steve, interrupts. "he's gotta get ready for the press conference alright ? You ask them questions then."

Like a child to a parent, the reporters all listened and scurried out their locker room, leaving an awkward silence fall among it.

Stephen realized that it was only him and coach were the only ones left in the room and wondered how long he had been sitting there arguing back and forth with the reporters.

"Coach, did you see that !" A frustrated, Wardell shouts.

"I did, believe me I did."  Steve says, almost whispers, In attempt to calm the over 6ft basketball player down. "But what did I say?"

"What did I say?" He repeats after Stephen rolls his eyes like a kid.

"You said you knew this was gonna happened."

"Yes, ok, I said that but what was the most important thing I said?"

"That the more maturely I handle this, the more people will see you changed. "

"Exactly, these people want you to say something bad or even slightly off so they can be quick to write a article about it. They want to see you fail"

Coach Kerr had always seen something different in Steph, regardless of how many shots he made on the court. He had just seen potential that not every one had saw in him. He believed in Steph even when he didn't believe in himself at times. Despite his wrong doings, coach Kerr could see that He is great man but sometimes gets lost in all the hype, he saw that behind those hard bright green eyes was a kind hearted man just trying to find his way.

"Now hurry up and get ready; press conference is 10 minutes." Steve glances at his watch.

Steph obeyed his order and headed to the showers, awaiting for a long press conference to come.

Stephen Curry |One Shots & Imagines|Where stories live. Discover now