"W-what? He's an omega?" Harry said dumbfounded " and unbonded too". When two wolves become partners and bonded their scent can't be detected in a way to protect themselves from unwanted attraction. Only their partners can smell each other which makes it easier to find them if they ever go missing.

"Yeah I was surprised too when I saw his symbol, just be careful around him, he's in his human form now" Liam warns him.

"Don't worry I'll keep my cool, promise" Harry assures.

Liam takes the water for Louis and brings Harry with him to the bed where Louis was sleeping. He pulls back the curtain revealing Louis behind it.

"Louis, here's you're water" Liam puts down the water on the nightstand next to him "and this is Harry, the Head Alpha"

Louis must smell the dominance on Harry and pulls the blanket up to cover his bare body, he shivered and whimpered at Harry's presence which made Harry feel bad. He didn't react the exact same way with Liam because he doesn't know that he's an Alpha as yet.

"It's alright love, don't be frightened by me, I'm not going to hurt you". Harry looked into his striking blue eyes, feeling their souls trying to pull them closer.

"Mate" Harry's wolf growled inside his head and could feel Louis' wolf reacting to it. Harry got the confidence to take more steps towards him and eventually sit on the bed next to him. Louis didn't flinch away from him but stared at Harry with wonder in his eyes, feeling all the emotions Harry's wolf felt since he came here.

Louis' wolf was telling him to trust Harry so he did.

"You're name is Louis right?", Harry says more of a statement. Louis nodded, he blushed when he realized that he was still naked.

"I'll go get you some clothes" Liam said, leaving the two alone.

"So where are you from? We've been trying to ask if anyone knows your pack but they all have said no" Harry says.

Louis bit his lip, taking a deep breath before he started explaining that he was a rogue from a pack that was destroyed by his father. They were very rowdy, blood thirsty and unorganized group. The Alphas and Betas treated the Omegas like slaves and had their way with them. The Head Alpha especially would rape the omegas and force them to bare his children. Louis was next to bear as well but his Father, Mark saved him before he got taken away to be mated. Mark and 10 others, made a plan to set the territory on fire, kill the Head Alpha and take the omegas and their children to make up a new pack. The plan backfired since they were out numbered by the Head Alpha's loyal followers. Louis' father stayed back to fight them off so his family could escape. Louis got separated from his mother and sisters by a flash flood and has doubts that they are alive. That's when he started wandering in unfamiliar territory and ending up here.

Louis finished his story with tears in his eyes and didn't even notice that Liam came back and was listening to his awful journey. Harry now understood why he was so afraid of him at first, he would've been scared too. Harry and Liam looked at each other with a sad look and knew what they had to do.

"Louis we're horribly sorry to hear about that, but you're safe here and if you would like, you could join The Stockholm Pack, we would love it if you did" Harry told him.

"Really? You don't mind?" Louis asked hesitantly.

"Of course we don't, I think it's for the best too, so what do you say?" Harry asked with a gentle smile.

More Than I Could Ask For  a/b/o Larry Stylinson (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now