"EWW!" I yelled. He laughed at me as I tried to wipe his germs off. "That is disgusting!"

"Oh you know you liked it" He teased wiggling his eyebrows. I punched him in his arm. "So violent!" He rubbed his arm.

"So what time do we have to go to school?" I asked stealing a piece of Quil's muffin when he was talking to Jared and Seth.

"8:00 scarlett. Just like any other school" Alec said.

"Well this school could have been different!" I exclaimed crossing my arms. He just rolled his eyes splitting his french toast in half throwing me the other half.

"Do you two always share?" Sam asked. We looked at eachother and then nodded.

"We have always done it" I shrugged. The door opened and in came Jacob. I stuffed the food in my mouth.

"Wow that is so lady like" Quil commented at my stuffed mouth. I swallowed it before answering.

"Yep. It takes skill to be this well mannered" They all laughed.

"Ok so ready for school?" I heard Jake ask behind me. I swear my heart skipped a beat when he talked.

"u..uh yeah" I stuttered. He just smiled at me.

"Ok everyone time to go!" Sam said pushing us out the door. I smiled and waved at him and Emily.

Me, Leah, Seth, Alec and Embry were in one of the truck while Jared, Quil, Paul, and Jacob were in the other one. Embry sped off to school with me and Leah talking about our brothers.

"Were here!" Embry said. I smiled at him and hopped out of the truck. The rest of the guys parked beside us and got out.

"So where do we go?" I asked. Jacob slung his arm around my shoulders.

"I will take you two there. It's not far" He smiled at me. I gave him a smile back . His arm was still around my shoulder as we walked up to the school. I could see girl giving me murderous glares so I gladly returned them.

We entered the brick building and walked down the hall before turning into the office. Behind the front desk was a plump lady that was typing supper fast on the computer. Alec cleared his throat and she immediately turned her head to us.

"Were new here" Alec told her. She smiled at us then stood up going to a machine.

"You must be Scarlett and Alec Uley" She smiled nicely at us. I just nodded. "We don't have many new students here" She handed us a paper and a bunch of books.

"Have a nice day!" The lady called out when we were leaving the office.

"What do you have?" Alec asked looking at a piece of paper.

I looked at my paper. 1st hour-Algebra. 2hour- Biology, 3 hour-English. 4-lunch 5hour- art 6hour-free.

I handed him my paper. He and Jake looked over it. "We have all classes together." Jake smiled showing his perfectly white teeth.

"Dammit! We only have art together" Alec said sadly. I kissed his cheek.

"It's alright. We will always see each other at lunch and after school." I smiled at him. He grinned and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks sis." The bell rang interrupting our moment.

"Well let's get to class" Jake said taking my hand and pulling me along with him.

During first hour I sat in the back beside this boy. His name is Josh and he is the cutest thing ever. He has dirty blond hair and sea blue eyes. He was muscular but a bit thin. He is like my brother.

The day has passed by really fast and now it was lunch. As I walked in the cafeteria with Josh everyone became silent looking at me. I just shrugged it off and got in line for food. I grabbed a cheese burger and a Dr.Pepper.

"SCARLET! OVER HERE!" Quil yelled across the cafeteria. I just glared at him.

"See ya later Scarlett" Josh said and went to his own table. I walked over to their table and sat in between Alec and Jared. I split my cheese burger in half and he split his pizza in half and we traded. Everyone just looked at us like we were crazy.

"What?" I asked them.  They just shoked their heads. I looked around noticing that Jake wasn't there. "Where's Jake?" I asked them. They looked kinda nervous but Alec answered for them.

"He's with this Bella chick" He said taking a drink of my soda. All I said was 'oh'. There was a awkward silence at the table.

"Who is Bella anyways?"I asked munching on my lunch.

"She is Jake's 'best friend'." Quil emphasized on best friends then continued."She has a boyfriend but Jake likes her. She leaves Jake for Edward then comes back to Jake once Edward left. But it's going to be the same all over again. Edward's going to come back and she is going to leave Jake."

"So she's using him" I said more like a question. He nodded agreeing with me. "Wasn't he with her yesterday though?"

"Yeah. We don't see him much when he is with her" Embry shrugged. The bell rang making us all run out of the cafeteria.


"This is boring!" I whined as they watched a re-run of a football game.

"Well go some where else" Jared said annoyed. I scowled at him but got up. I went up to my room and looked for something to do. After failing I decided to go for a walk. I put on a black hoodie and grabbed my ipod plugging in the earphones.

"I'm going for a walk" I told them but they were too into the game to notice me.

"Don't worry hun. I will tell them" Emily smiled at me. I gave her a grateful look before walking down the path that led to the beach. I let my thoughts wander around. Why was Jake with Bella all the time. Jake deserves some one better. Like me. When I thought that I mentally kicked myself. No Scarlett. You don't like Jacob Black. Part of me wanted to believe it but I knew better.

I was officially falling for Jacob. I tripped over some roots making me go back to reality. I looked around and noticed I wasn't on the path no more. Dammit Scarlett. You should have been watching where you went!

I got up and started walking around trying to make my way back to the house. I kept on walking and walking. I soon had scrapes on my legs and arms from all of those poky things. I sighed and sat down on a nearby rock.

A few minutes later I fell asleep. Later on I felt something pick me up. I leaned into the warm chest and fell back asleep.


As soon as Bella left I went over to Sam's. As soon as I got there I saw a panicked Alec frantically looking around. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Scarlett went for a walk almost three hours ago. It's dark now and we can't find her" Alec said worried. My smile fell as soon as he told me that.

"I am going to look in the woods for her." I ran out the door not waiting for him to reply. Once I was far enough he wouldn't hear me I shifted and ran in the forest looking for my imprint.

-Have you found her yet?- Sam thought to us.

-no- everyone said. He groaned in frustration.

-Don't worry Sam. We will find her- Embry calmed him down.

-I know but I worry about her- Sam sighed.-Keep Looking- He ordered.

We all took off in separate directions. I saw the trail and smelt her sweet scent. I followed it and found her asleep.

-FOUND HER- I told them. I could hear them all breath out in relief. I quickly shifted back and pulled on some shorts. I quickly picked her up and pressed her against my body. Once she was in my arms she snuggled into my chest. I smiled brushing a few strands of hair away from her face.

While walking back to the house she mummbled my name a few times. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"You have no idea how much I love you" I whispered to her.


Sorry so short!

I love him, but he loves 'HER' (Jacob Black Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن