The Announcement

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One week. That's how much warning they had, how much time they had to escape. Indigo Verdine was sitting on the porch of her family's old farmhouse, gazing out over the cornfields when the radio buzzed to life.

    "Attention, this is breaking news. The International Space Association has just issued a warning for all humankind. Singular solarflares are expected at the end of the week. These deadly flares will reach the planet eight minutes after leaving the surface of the sun. The radiation from these flares may be enough to wipe out millions of people, perhaps much more. The ISA has issued an international, worldwide state of emergency." Indigo stood and turned the dial on the radio, increasing the volume. "ISA recommends a worldwide evacuation to the colonies on Mars and Addiphate. Evacuations will commence at seven o'clock AM tomorrow." Indigo pushed the door to the house open, and the smell of cornbread wafted out. She made her way to the kitchen, where her grandmother stood, apron tied around her waist, setting the pan of fresh bread on the table.

    "Indigo! Just in time for supper!" Nana said with a smile.

    "Nana, there's a problem. ISA just issued a WWEvac."

    "Why? What's the problem?"

    "They've detected dangerous solar flare activity that could decimate the entire planet's population in less than a week. WWEvac begins tomorrow morning at seven." Indigo swallowed, breathing hard.

    "Indigo," Nana began in the voice that Indigo knew all too well. "You know what WWEvac means. We can't afford it. We don't have an airship, and no one in our family has a pilot license."

    "But what about the Bergesses?" Indigo inquired. "Nana, we can go with them."

    "You know the rules, Indigo. ISA would never allow it."

    "But why not? If it could save our lives, your life, how could they refuse it?"

    "The Bergesses don't have enough room anyways," Nana continued. "Their airship can only fit six. You and I make eight. There is no way."

    "But what if Tetso stays? Or Milo? You could go. Nana, please."

    "I cannot ask Mary to leave one of her children behind. Indigo, are you even hearing yourself?"

    "Nana, a WWEvac... you could die if you don't go."

    "And you expect I would be okay with leaving you behind? I'm sorry, dear, but there is nothing we can do."

    Indigo swallowed her disappointment, blinking back tears. "How could they do this to us?"

    "It's not ISA's fault there are solar flares. Nor is it their fault we cannot afford to leave."

    "But it is their choice to leave us behind. Just because we can't afford an airship, doesn't mean we are useless."

    "Indigo, this is the last I will hear of this. Now sit and eat your dinner."

    Indigo stood and stared at the food on the table. Neatly laid out, a perfect dinner for two. She shook her head, then turned and ran out the door and into the cornfields. Finally she found a place to stop and she sat and hugged her knees to her chest. She bit her tongue, trying to keep tears back, but despite her efforts, tears began to drip into the dirt. Soon, she was sobbing, hot tears spattering her hands and knees.

    "Heard the announcement?" a voice beside her asked. She looked up, quickly wiping tears away. Milo stood to her left, his dark brown hair tousled and windswept. His blue eyes were ringed by red. He sat beside her. "This the place you come to cry too?"

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