Can I beat you up?

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By the way this is how Pandora will look.This is Monika kibitsu,from "The legendary onihime" . P.s there will probably be cussing and swearing, and abuse so,this is my first story so sorry if it sucks.Now without further ado,lets play ball.

Ding ding the bell goes as I run out of class,it's boring as hell.I can hear the girls whisper behind my back.Things like,"That orange hair",and how "unlady like I am.Not like I ever cared.I exit the school thinking of a way to avoid going home.My best shot is the arcade.I walk past all the students as some gasp,"Is that the legendary Pandora?" I hear a girl ask, "They say she beat up the saber gang",a boy shouts.I groan as people make more comments ,I can't even take a shit without someone recognizing me.I am not some idol you piss of by following them around all day.I see the arcade in front of me, I sigh in relief.I open the door and feel the cold air on my skin.I plop down at a racer game.It's kind of hard to sit down since I am 6ft tall.It dosen't help my deliquent like appearance.Will life always be like this,everyday avoid home and school,will anything ever change I wonder.ugh,shit I crashed,I pick up my stuff and leave for Home.CRASH,I sigh as I open the door to find my mother giggling with a bottle in her hand."Hows my whore?", she asks.
"I haven't slept with anyone,unlike you",I snarl back with a scornful glare.

"You little bitch", she screams at me.She attempts to hit me with the bottle,but I quickly dodge it and take it from her.
"Get out bitch", she yells.I just shrug and take my stuff to the park."have you ever looked fear in the face and said I just don't care"I sang my favorite song "glitter in the air",by pink.I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes.I quickly wipe them away,and sit down on a bench.Nobody is around so I close my eyes to the crisp red orange of the sunset.I then realize it's going to be dark and get up.How will I get in...the window.As soon as I approach my house I see my Mom come outside.I hide behind the trash until she is gone.I see her get in the car,probably to one of "boyfriends".I try the front door locked,window it is.I climb into the dumpster,then jump to this pole above me,then grasp the windowsill.I climb in and lock the door incase Mom comes back.I jump on the bed and look at the ceiling slowly drifting to sleep.

BAM I woke up to my Mom banging pans."wake up lazy whore" she sneers from downstairs.
"Bitch please",I yell down as I jump out the window,and successfully land on the ground.I groan as I have to live another day like this.At school I hear more comments about how i am a whore,and how I will never get a guy.I don't no why,but I feel like today will be different.I see someone new,a boy with milkchoclate hair and light Brown eyes.He sits next to me I see.The teacher walks in,and we all sit down."hey,hey",the new boy says to me.I stare at him coldly.
"um,my names hope", he states.
"Pandora",I hold my hand out to him.He nervously accepts it,and smiles.
"Um,say could you help me around",he ask.
"Let me see your schedule",I ask.Hope hands it to me and...we have the same schedule."sure", I replied back.The bell rings signaling for 2nd period,I stand up,waiting for Hope.Then when he gets up,and I realize how short he is compared to me.

"Whoa,how tall are you", he asks.

"Um,6ft how about you",I ask back.

"5ft and 5 inches", he replies awardly.We walk together to class.I hear whisper of "are they together",and "no he's not into deliquients".Seriously,I mean I am just helping a guy out, is it really a big deal.A small brunette says,"I should be with him not her".I've had enough.I turn around and walk towards the girl.I pick her up by her shirt.

"I am just fucking walking him to class",I shout in her face.Everybody just stands there speechless.I put her down.One of her friends ask if she okay.She nods,brushing herself off.Then she walks up to me holds her hand out,"Bridgett woods", she says.I shake her hand reluctantly.

"Names pan-"

"I know,Pandora shot", she grinned.The fuck was her problem,This bitch is trouble.I already knew this girl was a popular girl. Wait I've got the perfect name for her,bitchy Bridgett.I walk back to a suprised Hope.
"Aren't you scared of her", he ask me.

"Hope,she's just a bitch",I say.He nods as we continue to class.We arrive just in time.I run to my seat,and guess what Hope sits next to me there too.I stare at him,because he's different...I shrug the thought off.Weird thing is in all my classes we sit next to each other.After school is over I ask Hope where he lives.

"It's near the park,there is this crazy blonde lady drinks all the time", he states.

"Blonde hair in a bun",I ask.


"That's my Mom",I reply.Hope didn't say anything,I start walking to the park.

"Aren't you going home", he asks.
"Nope",I reply back with a small smile.

"I'll stay with you",he says with a smile.

" I can't ask you to do that",I said.

"I am doing this because I want to"He stated.We just sat there talking it was fun,and unusual.For some reason he made me feel...happy.Although I was having fun something was off,not about Hope,but This place?I hear rustling near a bush. I continue to talk,but listen to the sounds.I motion Hope to be quiet.Then I slowly move to the bush.Then a guy with a saber tooth tiger tattoo pops out.I grab him by the arm then throw him against another bench.Before he can recover I kick him somewhere in the lower region's.He whimpered and ran away.I walk towards a frightened Hope.
"H-How did you",he stuttered.I roll my eyes,then grin at him.

"Here,I am a legendary deliquient",I say with a cheeky grin,"Come on lets go home".I walk him home,but it was way to quiet.
"Are you arfraid of me now?"I ask.
"No it's just your strength is amazing",Hope replies with a smile.Then he steps foward and puts his hand behind my head the kisses me on the lips!!!The he smiles one more time,then walks into his home. I walk home with a slight blush,then smile today was different.I look up to the stars and think He was my hope.

So guys I hope it was good if you have any suggestions please tell me

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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