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My name is Bonny and when my mom came back to my life and told me that I am a fairy. I was a fairy that can harvest the power from all 12 birthstones. But because I was born in January I had a better power to harvest the power of the Garnet. I actually believed her because my whole life made sense and the strange things made sense. From a young age my mother would teach me about the birthstones because she said it would help me on later. My relatives would give me birthstone necklaces and they gave me powers and I was a different person with each birthstone. My mom also told me that there were 11 other girls that could the thing I can do but with different birthstones. I was going to need the birthstones but they were going to have to be laced with a locater spell. I began my journey to find them but of course I had to pack and Mom bought the hotel tickets already. The first one to find was Amethyst. Mom gave me a beautiful necklace and then she spoke some old language but the Amethyst necklace was still the same. "She is far away , you're going to have to fly to Britain. " Wait what Britain , Mom are you okay you know what happened to me in Britain you're going to make me go back"? " You have to go back". "Fine I'm going to stay a couple days, that's it".

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