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Tamar P.O.V

I was in the shower watching as my diamond ring glossed up as I moved my finger around. I'm so excited to tell the girls about this, we're supposed to meet up at Apple Beez I stepped out the  shower and walked into our room and got dressed in some torn jeans, tupac top, black beanie, black Jordans. I grabbed my phone and car keys and kissed Chris' forehead as he slept.

20mins later.

I stepped in the restaurant and saw Mitchi And Aliyah sitting at a table at the back, they waved and I walked over.

"Hey yall" I said hugging them

"Wassup mami?" Mitchi said

"Nothing..I just wanted to see y'all " I answered keeping hands on my lap.

They looked at me weirdly then looked at each other

"Are you Ok?" Liyah asked

"Ofcourse I'm fine, how are you?" I asked

"I'm..fine" she said slowly

I was about to explode!!

"Chris proposed to me yesterday!" I busted out

Aliyah P.O.V

I gasped when Tamar said that Chris proposed to her, I'm so happy for my girl.

"OMG,girl are you forreal?!?" Mitchi shouted causing people to look our way

"Hush..Yeah" Mitchi lifted her hand and showed us the pinkish diamond ring.

"Girl this is so beautiful" I said admiring the gorgeous stone.

"Thank you" she said and when I looked at her, I realized that lil mama was glowing, smiling from ear to ear and all. I can tell Chris makes her happy.

"So when's the wedding?" Mitchi asked

"Well we haven't really talked about the wedding yet" she said

"Yall planning it yourselves? " I asked

"Yeah,we thought we'd make it special ourselves" she said smiling playing with her straw.

"You love him huh?" Mitchi asked and I nudged her

"Does a fat girl love chocolate?" She said and I smiled.

Y'all here's a lil teaser not much but it's something..

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