Chapter Two: City of Light

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           May stepped up to the platform, it was very smooth for being several thousand years old... there was a engraving on it in a weird language she did not know and right underneath was a Ankh-shaped hole. She placed the Ankh into, automatically it turned as if it was a key, and may found herself blasted into bright light. Its as if the ground itself was pulled from her feet and she was falling into eternal light. Colors and images flew by her as she fell, it was the lightheaded that told her that she could not draw breath. She felt like she was being squeezed through a small pipe.


           GASP!!! May laid there on the floor, gasping for breath.

           NEVER will I do that again!!!

           After a few moments she started to look at the things around her, Everything seemed to be made out of marble, the floor, the ceiling, the vases and even the statues that lined the room. She looked behind her and saw that the pedestal she came out of was also marble.

           Where am I?

           May looked around, pondering that question. A large wooden door caught her eye, above the door the word “Brar” is engraved upon it. May walked over to the door, it looked pretty sturdy, she pressed against it.


           She looked around the room and saw no windows, the light that was in the room was coming from crystals plastered to the ceiling


She back away from the door, and ran at it, slamming it with full force. But the door did not move an inch.


           She started feeling around the door, seeing if there was a lever, or a button or something. She discovered a small hole in the middle of the door that was not there beforehand.

           I wonder...

           Out of pure curiosity she took the ankh and jammed it into the hole. The door suddenly burst open and bright sunshine filled the room, and she toppled out in shock, falling down a flight of moss covered stairs onto the thick overgrowth of grass below. She looked back just in time to see the doors slam shut behind her.


           she looked around and saw a group of people in front of an entrance to a city staring at her in both shock and in horror. Not wanting to stick around she ran past them into the city. A huge sign portrayed the word “Hammel: City of Light”. She looked around but saw mostly brown and orange rabbits in long robes walking the street, it made her feel really naked. People kept staring at her and she realized that she had no general place to go... she started to become alarmed...

           What to do, what to do, what to do!!!

           she darted into a convenient store. She looked around to see if there was anything that would help her figure out where she was.

           “What can I do for you today Ma'am” said a muscular brown male rabbit from behind the counter.

           Maybe he will have some answers

           “Excuse me, I am not from around here and--” May started

           “--I know” The clerk interrupted

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