Someone Special (Chapter 25)

Start from the beginning

"It's understandable...I'm the same way. I like to show up early to prepare for the day. It looks like you already kind of met my kids."

She pointed to the girl that opened the door for Melody, she had blue eyes and blonde hair and looked a lot like her mom. She looked older than the others. Melody would have guessed that she was about eleven or twelve.

"This is my daughter Tiffany, she's probably the most behaved out of the three, she's not shy around new people."

"I can see that, she opened the door and smiled right at me."

Lisa pointed to a boy sitting quietly in a seat acting nervous and shy. Melody guessed that he was about eight or nine.

"This is my son Jacob, he may be acting quiet and shy right now, but it's still early in the morning. He's actually the troublemaker of the group, he likes to fight with his little sister Hannah."

Melody looked at the little girl that was sitting in her mom's seat, she looked like her mom too but her hair was a dirty blonde. Melody guessed that she was about five of six years old. Jacob had brown hair and brown eyes.

"It's nice to meet all of you. I hope we can have a day of learning, but also a day of fun. I met with you mom yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to look around the school."

Lisa smiled at her kids and grabbed Hannah's and Jacob's hand.

"So how about we show Ms. Shores around the school?"

"Um... It's ok if you call me Melody."

Melody smiled and followed Lisa and her kids around the school. There were three separate hallways for the growing age groups. She went around and saw the gym, cafeteria, playground, computer room, art room, drama room, and finally the music room.

"So this is the music room. So Melody... I'm going to go back to my office for about thirty minutes and then I'll come to check on you."


Lisa left Melody alone with her kids and went back to her office. She had cameras in her office that showed video footage of the whole school. Melody and her kids were the only people at the school, she thought this was the best way to watch her kids and see what Melody could do. In the music room Melody thought that the best way to get started would be by having the kids introduce themselves and say a few things to get to know them before they started.

"So... I think we actually met each other a bit earlier, but you'll have to say your names again. It takes me a while to learn names, but I guess I'll start. My name is Melody Shores, but you can call me Melody or . I wanted to be a music teacher because music is something I've always loved and my goal is to hopefully help kids know what they want to do and hopefully learn to enjoy music. If there are any questions just raise your hand and say your name that way I can learn your name.

The little boy raised his hand. Melody smiled and answered him.

"Yes... What is your name, and what is your question?"

"Um... My name is Jacob... Are you here to replace our teacher ? I like Mrs. Burns."

"Hi Jacob... No I'm not here to replace anyone. I'm guess is your main music teacher. If I get this job... I'll be like her helper."

He still had his hand in the air and his younger sister cut him off.

"What will you be helping with?"

Melody was about to answer her question until Jacob cut her off.

"Hey! Hannah I wasn't done!"

Jacob actually hit Hannah in the arm. Instead of crying like Melody thought Hannah would she actually hit him back and they started screaming as they started hitting each other. Tiffany the oldest started shouting at them to stop fighting. Melody started to panic, she didn't think they would start fighting. Things were not going well and she had to figure out a way to get them to stop fighting without getting physically involved because she knew that teachers couldn't physically get involved to break up a fight. She knew shouting wouldn't help so she had to think of something and she had to do it fast. She saw one of those train whistle toys, grabbed it and did one loud, long whistle and held her hand up in the air. All three kids were shocked and stopped fighting and arguing. Melody didn't really yell at the kids, but she did want to speak so that she had their attention.

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