Chapter Two - "Just trust me."

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“Yes!” Aaron said enthusiastically, for the twins’ benefit and they yanked at their seatbelts as they started discussing what they were going to ride and do in the park, their voices high and loud.

Aaron brought out his phone and earplugs, turning the volume up high as he pressed play, listening to music to drown out the noise of the twins. He was sure his dad was trying to make up for his absence at home by taking them out and he was happy about it.

He was lost in his own thoughts when a small hand smacking his thigh brought him out of it with a slight jump. He pulled the earphones out of his ear, looking questioningly at the culprit who was giggling girlishly along with her twin – like they had some secret.

“Mummy was talking to you,” she giggled and Aaron looked up at his mum, eyebrows raised in question.

“One day that gibberish you call music is going to make you go deaf,” she snapped at him, crossing her arms and turning to face the window.

Aaron felt a twinge in his chest at the obvious steel in his mother’s voice even as he faked a guilty smile at her, not wanting to let her know how badly her jabs affected him.

Edward laughed heartily and glanced at Aaron through the rear-view mirror with a heart-warming smile, “What your mother is trying to say is Katherine is coming home next week with her boyfriend. It seems like things are getting serious since she’s bringing him home.”

Aaron managed a tight smile, feeling a bit better at his dad’s warmth, “I’m happy for her.”

He fingered his earplugs and decided against replacing them, not wanting his mother to jab at him again. He shoved them in his pockets, stopping the music from playing just as they entered the amusement park. The twins were bouncing excitedly in their seats and it was annoying him but he bit his tongue to keep from snapping at them. It was no use pouring his hurt out on them anyway.

They paid at the gate and got their tickets, walking into the busy park. This was the place to be every Sunday after church – it was very nearly filled with families having a relaxing and fun time.

Aaron immediately wanted to go to the games arcade, he really wasn’t a fan of the other rides anyway but before he could take a step, his mother said, “Aaron, take your brother and sister with you. I don’t think I feel like walking. Make sure you take them to all the rides they want.”

Aaron gritted his teeth but nodded, holding out his hands for his siblings to grasp. They immediately pulled him towards the bumper cars while his mum and dad were probably heading to the outdoor restaurant located on top of a small rock.

By the time the day ended, Aaron was exhausted, the bottom of his feet hurt from trailing around with his siblings and his ears and head throbbed from all their screaming and yapping. He hadn’t even been able to visit the games arcade like he’d wanted to and when his siblings had asked for ice-cream and cotton candy, he’d been unable to refuse. He regretted it now though because they were hyperactive as ever, dragging him to every ride and screaming their delight. He knew they would sleep like the dead tonight but that didn’t stop him from swearing to never buy them anything sweet ever in their lives again.

As they headed back home, all he could think about was going to his bed and going to sleep but that didn’t happen because the minute he stepped foot in the house, his mother was dragging him to the kitchen to help her make dinner. He was too tired to even grumble as he shuffled to the kitchen.

At least today she isn’t cooking any meat, he thought as he started cutting the vegetables for fried rice.

“Did you know that, apparently, Katie Heron is pregnant?” his mother suddenly asked out of the blue.

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