Mr. Selfish

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 We have known each other since January 2010 right then we were both twelve years old and neither of us really knew each other yet. By the end of the summer we both had crushes on each other neither one of us knew that we both liked each other. By January 2011 you got my number and we were texting all the time and then when Valentine’s Day came along you asked me to be your Valentine as “just friends”. A few days after you asked me to be your Valentine you then admitted to me that you liked me and then wanted to know if I liked you back. Of course I did. Right then you were incredible and you treated me amazing. You started doing really sweet things like: making me bracelets, calling me nicknames, talking about what our first date would be like when we were sixteen, etc. Then came August 2011 when you started high school and soon you were going to have homecoming. In September you asked me to go to homecoming with you. The way you asked me was absolutely precious. You got about three balloons and tied a knot to the string of them and handed it to me and made me read the note which said: Will you go to homecoming?

I, of course told you yes. So then it came time to find a dress…that had to match your tie.

Do you know how difficult that is? Finding a dress that looks good on you and matches the boys tie…it is very difficult. At first I thought your mom wanted me to match you…a few months after homecoming I learned that it was you who wanted me to match you. Your mom was telling me afterwards how any future homecomings I could wear whatever I want.

I hate it.

It makes me so mad that you didn’t just let me pick out my dress and you match me. You were so selfish you didn’t want to have to go out and buy new tie. I had to match your purple tie. Mr. Selfish, I should’ve seen this as the first sign of how selfish you are. But I didn’t.

Then we went to homecoming and we had such a great time. The only bad part was that you had a concussion due to football. We only danced two songs and one of them a line dance and the other was a slow song. I don’t know what the slow song was me and you were talking to each other the whole time. I loved every second of it, it was kinda funny I had to show you how to slow dance. You started it out by holding onto my shoulders at first I was going to go along with you and then I couldn’t stand it so I moved my arms up around your neck and you took the hint and moved you’re hands down to my hips and muttered to me, “Sorry.”

I just smiled at you and we continued to dance. That night when your parents were driving me home we were holding hands and you had told me that you had a surprise for me whenever we got to my house but I had to hold your hand when you were walking me to my door and I didn’t think that you were going to hold my hand so I said, “We’ll see if that happens.”

You raised your eyebrows like you were surprised that I said that. Then when you brought me to my door you did indeed hold my hand and said, “So, my dad thinks I’m responsible enough for this and ready for it so will you be my girlfriend?”

I smiled and said, “Are you serious?”

You said, “Yes.”

I hugged you and said, “Yes.” About a million times in your ear.

You hugged me back and made fun of me for shaking whenever I brought out my keys trying to unlock my door. Then you hugged me again and you left.

The next two months into our new relationship were amazing. Then December came along and your granny passed away. You started treating me like sh-crap. Sorry I’ll try not to curse. I’m still trying to get over you, Mr. Selfish. The next three months were horrible. You treated me as if I was nothing. We didn’t text as often, when we did you were rude, cold, and downright mean. I don’t know why I stayed with you right then other than I thought we had something special. I was so wrong. I thought we had something unique something nobody else could have even if they wanted it. I thought we would make it. I didn’t realize how messed up you were.

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