Part two; No dip, Sherlock!

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"Bob. Bob. Bob. Bob. Bo-"

"Would you please shut up!" Came the response to Steve's irritating pestering. The two had set off at the first stream of golden sunlight to enter their cave. By walking for most of the distance, and flying a short time, Bob confirmed the base was only twenty or so miles.

The desert sun felt like molten metal from the pits on their spinal struts. They had had no energon for two days. In a desperate attempt for help, they unmasked their signals, and stayed in one spot for hours. All it did was waste energon. After another hour of walking, Steve began to hallucinate. Bob knew that this was a very bad thing.

"Come on, I can see it! Steve, just one more mile. Steve? STEVE?!" The insecticon became worried as he saw his friend collapsed. He managed to pull the Vehicon on his bug form's back, and began haphazardly flying toward the giant rock. A voice pierced his comm loudly.

-Unidentified bot, state your name and intentions!- Came the voice of none other than Optimus Prime. The insecticon gave a tired smile and shifted his weight a bit. Crashing tiredly into the dust below him, he gasped raggedly before replying. His voice was dry and cracked.

"8O8, and a near dead ST3V3. D'you mind if we crash at your place, O.P?" With those words, the 'mindless' drone, fell into stasis, only registering the sound of a ground bridge. Out of the ground bridge came three mechs, whose names were Bumblebee, Ratchet and Optimus Prime. The state of the two sent the grumpy CMO into a tantrum.

The two were hooked up to spark support in mere seconds, despite their alliances. A medic stops pain, and does not inflict (too much of) it. We all know Ratchet's love for wrenches. Within a hour, Steve woke up. No one was in sight, except his buddy. And his buddy came first.

Ripping cables off him, he paid no mind to the loud drawn out whistle. With speed that would leave Blurr reeling, he crossed the room and settled into the side of his... (Uh, how do you put this?) soft crush. He cooed softly and pressed closer to the clumsy lug. An extremely peeved medic entered the room desperately, only to glitch at the sight of a Vehicon... Smiling?

"You slagger! What where you thinking?! Honestly, I thought drones had more sense th-"

"Don't compare me to those shells on that ship. And if you think Bob will stand for it, count yourself dead." Came the snappy reply from Steve. He off lined his optics, preparing to recharge when Bob woke up. The insecticon shoved him off the berth, grunting. He turned to his side and ignored Steve.

"Off my berth."

"It's not yours!"

"Well I'm recharging on it." At this comment, Steve pouted and crawled on his friend's back, stretching out and hugged him. Both ignored the medic, who currently was trying to pull Steve back into his own medical berth with no avail. All Ratchet got was a grumble.

"Optimus, I require some help with... Technical difficulties..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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