Episode 17: A Christmas Miracle pt. 2

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"MachGaogamon, let's make a Christmas miracle! Take them out!" Lapis called out to her partner.

"Winning Knuckle!" MachGaogamon called. He pulled back his fist and slammed it into Flaremon's face repeatedly.

Flaremon growled a deep, menacing growl. "Red Lion Dance!" Flaremon's fists and feet began to glow in raging fire. Repeatedly, he fought back against MachGaogamon's punches with his own and slammed his limbs into the wolf's face and body.

"We're going to lose..." Lapis muttered to herself. She shook her head, wiping away the terrible thoughts. "MachGaogamon! I love you! Don't give up!"

"Tear Arrow!" A beautiful arrow came wizzing right into Flaremon's chest, causing him to stumble and double over.

"It's Lekismon!" Izzy gasped.

"They're on our side now?" Davis asked in confusion.

"You guys, go help the villagers!" Lapis called to her friends. "Help Hyogamon!"

Some of the group left to help the snow villagers, while the others helped Tai and Greymon hold off Coredramon. All that was left were Lapis, Chase, Aubrey, and their partners.

"You're both traitors!" Chase gasped. His eyes, once a beautiful brown, were black. Something wasn't right here.

"His eyes... He's been infected.." Lapis mumbled to herself. "There's only way to cure that..." With sadness in her heart, Lapis glared at Flaremon. "MachGaogamon, no mercy! We have to save them! It's time to destroy them!"

Aubrey sighed, knowing, too, that this was the only way to cleanse her friend. "Lekismon, we have to help them. I desire for Chase to be pure..."

The forest green color of the Crest of Desire glowed from Aubrey's chest. It engulfed Lekismon and gave her strength.

"Lekismon digivolve to...." Lekismon began to change. In her place was a tall Goddess Digimon, made of pink with a blue shirt, boots, and a black helmet with pink streamers. She wielded two crescent shaped weapons in her hands. "Crescemon!"

"She's gorgeous..." Veemon gasped, watching the beautiful creature.

"Flaremon, it is my desire to be good. You have guts, Flaremon, as does Chase. But guts won't assure you true happiness." Crescemon said in her loving voice. "MachGaogamon, shall we take care of them?"

"Howling Cannon!" A huge blast of ultrasonic waves left MachGaogamon's mouth and fired towards Flaremon.

"Ice Archery!" Crescemon sent an icy arrow into the vortex. Both attacked exploded on impact with Flaremon.

"Let's go everyone!" Tai shouted to his friends. The Digimon, now all in Armor or Champion forms, sent their attacks flying at Flaremon.

Flaremon fell to the ground, data diapering. "I... failed you.. Chase.. I didn't have the guts..."

"No, you didn't... I failed you. We should have never followed Devimon's rule..." Chase fell to his knees next to his dying partner and sobbed. His black eyes were back to their normal brown color. "I'm so sorry...."

"It takes guts to apologize... To realize your mistake..." Lapis told her. She knelt down next to her friend. "He'll be back... See?"

Flaremon's data formed into a Digiegg and fell at Chase's feet. He grabbed the egg and held it close to his chest.

"I'd say they performed a Christmas miracle." Kari grinned.

"Not quite." T.K. sighed. Jesse and Coredramon were gone, flying in the distance.

"Let's get home and celebrate the holidays, shall we?" Yolei grinned. "Im ready for some fruitcake!"

"Come with me... Back home..." Lapis said. She put her hands out to both Chase and Aubrey. Behind them, Crescemon and MachGaogamon returned to their Rookie forms.

Aubrey immediately accepted her friend's hand. Chase was more hesitant.

"You still want to be friends with me?" He asked.

"Always." Lapis smiled.

Chase took her hand and smiled. Lapis pulled her friends up and hugged them both. Everything was almost back to normal. Almost.


Jesse flew on Coredramon's back. "We'll get them back. We're almost ready for Ultimate level."

"Then what, sir?" Coredramon asked. "We need to go to Mega."

"No, we need to go beyond Mega level." Jesse said. "I don't know how, or but we will."


Tai and Kari sat underneath their Christmas tree with Agumon and Gatomon. They opened their presents and messed with their new stuff.

Joe and Gomamon studied the history of Christmas together.

Matt, T.K., Gabumon, and Patamon went caroling around their neighborhood.

Mimi and Palmon tried on the new clothes they got and decided what they'd go shopping for the next day.

Sora and Biyomon cuddled and watched Christmas movies.

Izzy and Tentomon played on Izzy's laptop, doing Christmas puzzles.

Ken and Minomon cuddled by the fireplace.

Davis and DemiVeemon ate several helpings of their Christmas dinner.

Yolei and Hawkmon played in the snow.

Cody and Armadillomon made Christmas cookies.

Caitlin and BlackGatomon curled up as they read books.

Michaela, Wizardmon, and Sorcermon watched Christmas movies while Sorcermon made their own little white Christmas.

Aubrey and Moonmon rejoiced with their family.

Chase watched over Coronamon's egg, and watched as it hatched into Mokumon, a little smoke monster.

Lapis sat with Wanyamon, eating cookies with hot cocoa and watching her favorite Christmas cartoons. Her friends were back, and after the holidays she would be going back to Japan. Yet, something still nagged at her. Her best friend wouldn't be spending Christmas in the real world. No, he'd be spending it wreaking havoc on the Digital World.

As Lapis and her friends all snuggled down for sleep, to awake to presents the next morning, one thing was very clear: It was a very Digi-Christmas, and a miraculous one at that.

So sorry you guys! This was meant to be up on Christmas day (and part 1 was meant to be up on Christmas Eve) but I spent the last few days with my boyfriend and had no time to get it up. But it's finally up. I may or may not do a New Years special, idk. Ideas would be great. Also, if you have any questions/Comments/Concerns/Ideas/Etc. Let me know down below! Thanks and hope you all had a merry Digi-Christmas!

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