im too lazy to come up with a title

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"Rin!! I'm starving!" "Mee too y/n! Why'd you even bring us on this dumb trip four eyes?!" Rin whined. "You two begged me to let you come." "Shut it mole face!" Y/n yelled. *sigh* yukio rolled his eyes in frustration. "Ooh Rin look FOOD!" You exclaimed as you ran toward two girls who looked about 16-ish selling salsa. "Hi would you like to try some of our pepper-salsa?" "It's sweet at first then it spicy!" The other one explained enthusiastically. "SO HUNGRAY!''
"Would you like some chips and dip? There's a trashcan right there." "Here, have a free sample." You look around to see a confused Rin and Yukio walking toward you pulling you away from the salsa stand. "Thank you! I love you! Thank you! I love you two!" You yelled. "You're welcome!" The first one with blue eyes beamed. "Ouch!! Why'd you hit me?" You asked yukio as you ate your salsa. "Because, you were acting like you're starving, when I never even ate breakfast." You're eye's widened. "Woah!! Yukio dude! How'd you last that long without eating? You must be a super hero or a demon or something! Are you a super hero or a demon or something?" "Go play somewhere." "Okay how about in the street! You say as you ran toward the street. "Looks like someone didn't take her medicine this morning." Said Mephisto as he escorted you out of the street.
"Don't you have little boys to stalk?" "Don't you have dick to suck?" "Aww...Why you gotta do me like that Mephy?"
"Bye y/n...." "Riiinn!! I'm tired!" "Yukio!!!! She's tired!"
"*sigh* Next time go to sleep at night." "B-but all the scary monsters come out at night." "Y/n how many times do I have to tell you there is no such thing as monsters." "But Yukio..." "No buts, except yours walking home with Rin while I finish my errands." "Yay! We get to go home! Later four eyes!" You yelled as you grabbed Rin's hand and ran home. Moral to the story never take y/n and Rin with you to run errands.

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