Τριάντα ττέντε(Thirty Five)

Start from the beginning

"The Guardian of Brooklyn has returned!" Ahkmenrah said as he came out. Larry watched as he walked over to where Katalina was standing.

"Hey, Ahk. Katalina." He said to them. "Look, McPhee told me what's going on around here. I had no idea."

"Indeed. A lot has transpired, Lawrence, since your last visit. One would say that..." Teddy was interrupted by Larry's phone going off. "Cricket."

"Hey, Bocephus! Little help over here!" Jedediah yelled from inside a crate. Larry walked over and took the lid off.

"Hey. Hey, fellas. How you doing?" Larry said to them.

"Well, lookee here. If it ain't Mr. Big-in-the-Britches himself, come back just in time to see us off!"

"Yeah, Jed, I heard. Look, I don't even know how this happened."

"Yeah. Yeah, real mystery how this happened. Maybe the answer's on that magic buzzing box there in your hand! You weren't here, Gigantor! That's how it happened! Ain't no mystery!"

"The fact is, Larry, there's no one else here to speak on our behalf during business hours," Octavius said.

"None, none, dum-dum."

"Hey, guys! It's okay. I'll call the board in the morning, all right? I got some pull now.
I'll handle this. We're gonna be okay here."

"'We'? Did you hear that? You hear Daydream Johnny? There ain't been a 'we' ever since you put us on the "pay no mind" list. And that's a cold place to be, boy." Jedediah said.

"Larry, what's done is done. Even the glory of Rome had to come to an end."

"Would you please not look dramatically off into the middle distance when you say that? It makes me feel worse." Larry said.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Where are you looking? Where are you looking? I'm over here."

"Just a bit of wall."

"Look, guys, maybe it won't be so bad. Yes, you make a good point. But this is the Smithsonian we're talking about here." Larry said. Dexter squeaked. "Dexter, you don't know that."

"You're missing the point, Gigantor! They're shipping us out!"

"Larry, I know you're trying to make us feel better. I can see that you're genuinely
slightly bothered,but it's never going to be the same.All of us here, together, in this place."

"It ain't never gonna be home, boy."

"Jedediah, please! Lawrence, these are emotional times for all of us. But it is our last night as a family, and I don't want to see it squandered in self-pity. So who will join me for one final stroll through these hallowed halls?" Teddy asked everyone.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Octavius asked Jedediah.

"No. I'm just gonna squander it in self-pity." Jedediah said.

"My dear, shall we?" Teddy asked taking Sacagawea's hand. They walked around the whole museum making small talk with anyone next to them. And finally as upsetting as it was to all of them the sun started to rise. "Safe journey, my love," Teddy said helping Sacagawea into her crate. Larry walked over to Dexter's crate.

"Hey, Dexter, want some help there?" Larry asked putting his hands on the crate. Dexter pushed the lid crushing Hey, come on, man. No hard feelings, all right?
It's gonna be fine." Dexter crushed his fingers again.

"It's almost dawn, Lawrence," Teddy said.

"Yeah. So, where's your crate, Teddy?" Larry asked him looking around and saw Ahkmenrah hugging Katalina and kissing her hair.

"I won't be making this journey, Lawrence. It seems myself, Rexy, and a few of the signature exhibits will be staying here for now."

"Without the tablet?"

"In truth, Lawrence, Ahkmenrah's tablet will be remaining here with him."

"What? Without Katalina?"

"They're going without the tablet, my friend. I'm afraid this night is their last. As well as Katalina."

"You didn't tell them?"

"Sometimes it's more noble to tell a small lie than deliver a painful truth."

" Are you gonna be okay?"

"I shall do my best. And who knows? Sometimes the greatest change brings about even greater opportunity. Look at you, Lawrence. You left this place and created quite a life for yourself." Teddy said.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"I should hope you'd do more than guess, my friend. You're a captain of industry. The world at your fingertips. It seems to me you have everything you wanted."

"Yeah, no, I know."

"No, you don't. If I may, lad, allow me to offer you one piece of advice. The key to happiness, to true happiness, is..." Larry's phone went off interrupting Teddy again.

"Hang on one sec. I just gotta... I got this Japanese deal. No, okay, I'm turning this off. I'm sorry. The key to happiness?" Larry looked back up at Teddy to see him frozen in place. "I'll see you, Teddy."

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