"Wow okay well lets get you off the floor and back home and we can tak more about it there okay"She says helping me up

"Yeah your right i just don't understand him when someone tells you they love you your supposed to say something back but don't make them regret it"

"He loves you Soph he just doesn't know how to say it so hes started to push you away you cant let that happen don't give up on him"

I just look down and run my fingers through my hair

"I want to take it back so much i have never told anyone i love them before and now i regret it"

"Sophie he will tell you"

"Part of me dosnt want him to"

"But part of you does" She states

When we get home i walk up to my room straight past my parents who are having some argument Sarah follows me upstairs and sits on my bed beside me

"So what are you going to do"

"Im going to forget i ever told him" I say resting my head on her legs

"Are you sure thats such a good idea"

"No but telling him wasn't a good idea either"

"You told him okay he knows how you fell and well that's a good thing now all he has to do is tell you"

I just close my eyes and start to fall asleep

The next morning i wake up  and look at the clock we have about an hour to get to school

"Sarah Wake up we have to get to school"

When we are getting ready

"How are we even sisters i mean your tall and well blond and I'm Brunette and medium height"

"Well we have different dads so that could be it"

"Yeah i guess so do i look like a girl who has just been humiliated"

"No because you wern't but you do look really nice" she says smiling at me

"You look nice aswell by the way but you always look perfect so not much of a change there"

She looks at me again and has a slight smile on her face

"Ready"I ask her

"Yup lets get to school im sure you want to ask the boys about the party"

"Yeah that's why i want to go to school" i say sarcastically

"You know you will cut yourself sometime with your sarcasm"

"Trust me if anyone is going to cut themselves it Stiles" i laugh

She smiles as well once we get to school Sarah walks to her friends and i walk over to Lydia and Alison

"What happened to your wrists" i ask pointing at them

"Some girl looking for Scott grabbed them really hard and left bruises and now they match they make some sort of sign i think" Alison says

"She was looking for Scott" I ask her

"Yeah it seemed kind of urgent"Lydia responds

"So are you going to tell Scott"

"Yeah we already did hes getting Derek to have a look later today"She says putting some things in her locker

"Do you guys mind if i come with"

"Of course not your part of the team" she says smiling at me and i just laugh

"Do you know if Isaac is coming back today?" Lydia asks me

I Wont Give Up (Book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now