The Confession | THE PROPOSAL!!??

Start from the beginning

China, meet me at the park at 5 pm. I have business with you.

- O.S

"The hell's he up to?" she said with a confused look. Suddenly her face brightens up as she thinks that my letter is a form of challenge towards her. It's the afternoon. The skies are red like my crimson eyes. I get myself ready for the biggest thing. Of course, every man is nervous about this thing that they'll do when asking a girl out to have a private conversation. This is out of my character after all, but I've got no choice but to do it. I go to the park with a bouquet of roses I hide on my back. I see China sitting on the same bench I sit on. It seems she's earlier than I expect. "Look who's here. The sadist. You up for the challenge, yes?" she asked. "You're dumber than ever, China." I deadpanned. "Then, what do you need me for huh?" she asked again. I'm left speechless, because the way she dresses is stunningly beautiful. "If you've got nothing to say, I'm out." she said. As she walks away in front of me, I suddenly grab her hand. The atmosphere tense up around us. "I..." I paused. While I gather the right words to say, she stares at me with her round blue eyes. She's waiting for me. I give my bouquet of roses on impulse. I look at her again, and I see her looking astonished of what I did. "I'm not going down yet you jerk! Don't look down on me! I'm not going to be dead yet!" she said angrily. She drops the roses onto the ground, and walks away. My sadist mode turns on. "Hey! What the hell are you doing!? Put me down!" she exclaimed as she struggles from me carrying her like a sack of rice. I put her down on the same place she dropped the roses. "You're arrested for breaking a police officer's heart." I said. 

Then, at the spur of the moment- I kiss her, as the wind mildly blows, letting those rose petals fly away from us. "Get it now?" I blushed. I raise her face up to mine and she suddenly distance herself from me. I go near her, but she avoids me constantly. "Get away from me, you sadistic bastard!" she said, running constantly away from me. The chase lasted for 5 minutes, and finally I cornered her to the wall. I look at her with her face down to the ground, as if she's hiding something from me. "I'm not going to let you off if you don't tell me what's wrong." I said. She didn't answer, instead she looks at me with her face extremely flushed red. "I'm the one who's going to ask, what the hell's wrong with you?!" she yells as she suddenly attacks me with her umbrella. I dodge her attack and pin her down to the ground. "Isn't it obvious? I came to tell you that, I love you. I LOVE YOU CHINA OKAY?!" I shouted. "Man, I really did confess to her after all, but why do it the hard way?" I thought. Suddenly, she lets out a whisper into my ears as I hug her tightly, never letting go. "I too." she replies. "I guess we're an item now. The shipper's must've been jumping out with joy." I said as I kiss her passionately and intimately, savouring the moment we currently have. There have been ups and downs between us since that day, but we're happy being with each other, and this relationship will last until the day of our future marriage.


Time skip are for lazy people who doesn't really want to drag the story for long. This is what Zura is for. (Z: It's not Zura, it's Zurafuro.)  Anyways, let's go to my side of the story, yes?

It's our 15th anniversary, and I'm preparing for our date. Nothing's more comfortable than a  date on a Sunday, where couples spend their time being all mushy-mushy, it's disgusting. However, considering my relationship with the sadist, I'll say we're disgusting also, because we're going to be all mushy-mushy, and it's out of our characters to begin with. Our meeting place is the same as always, and we mark this park as our special place since there has been so many things that has happened in that place. Besides, what is it for us to change the meeting place if the place itself is near us, no? I arrive at the park. It hasn't change since the day I was 14. The kids that I used to know still keeps in touch with me, and I do also in return. However, now that I'm in a relationship, I barely talk to them- but I still keep in touch with them whenever I have the chance to do so. A few minutes later, the sadist hasn't arrive yet. I sit on the bench where we usually sit. As I wait for his arrival, I eat my favourite snack to kill time. "So? Even in our anniversary, you still eat Sukonbu eh?" the voice said. "What's it to you? It's just a snack, yes?" I complained. "You're still dumb up to this day, and to say you are my long time girlfriend- but what does it matter? That's who you are. That's what my China is." the voice said. I stand with a surprised look on my face. "What the? You scared me out there, what're you going to do if I can't sleep you bastard?!" I shouted. "Same old line as always." he said sarcastically. Then a hug comes flying at me. Above all, his smile brightens up before me. I let his sadistic attitude slide as this is our anniversary celebration, and I don't want to ruin it with my bratty attitude. We go to a simple restaurant and celebrate our anniversary there. "Tell me, why didn't you let me go when we're on the cliff?" I asked. "Well- isn't natural for people to help one another whenever they're in a pinch?" he said. "But, I think the reason I rescued you the last minute was on reflex, because I am the only who can beat you, remember? If you're killed, then it means our rivalry will be nothing." he added. "Be honest." I said. "Okay- I did that, because I think that if you're not there, I can't be the same as always." he admitted. He's embarrassed, but it's okay, as it's better to be honest than to become a hypocrite, yes? 

We go to an amusement park to enjoy the day. We go to shooting parlours, and catching fishes in mini-fish stalls. We pause our leisure escapade by eating candied apples. "Will Danna be mad to you for being here so late?" he asked. "Meh- I already told him that I'll be out late." I said nonchalantly. "'Sides the night's still young. We can still watch the fireworks display." I added. Both of us agree and stay at the amusement park to watch the fireworks display. The fireworks lights up the sky. I look up at the sky, and I feel a growing bliss in my chest. I wonder if he also feels the same way as I do. However, I'm happy, because we get to end this night in very splendidly. Back home- "The brat's taking so long." Gintoki said. "Don't worry, she'll be home soon." Shinpachi reassures Gintoki. "What are you, a housewife?" Gintoki said. I open the door and the two of them comes rushing for my arrival. Gintoki grabs my shoulders with his two hands, and looks at me with his dead fish eyes. "So, how did it go?" he asked. The two of them gulps for my answer. "It went well." I giggled. "But being all mushy-mushy is so disgusting that in the end we stick to our usual routine." I added. The two of them laughed with amazement as they knew that the lovey-dovey act will not work for the two of us. After we've done our usual house routine, we go to sleep. In my secluded room, I suddenly remembered  what the sadist had said to me before I go inside the house. 

Meet me at the park tomorrow night. I'll let Danna know that you'll be out for a short while.

I sleep the night away feeling all excited about it. 

The night has come, and I arrive at the park as we have talked about yesterday. I sit at the bench waiting for him, but I stay alert because he might pop out of nowhere again. It's been 5 minutes since my arrival and he's still not here. I go to the drinking fountain to quench my thirst. I turn my head and then I see the sadist standing still. "Look who's here. It's the sadist. So, what do you want me for?" I smiled. " I want.. you!" The guy exclaimed. He unmasks his disguise and runs off with me to a far away place. Without my umbrella, I'm left to fight with just my fists. As a Yato, it is possible for me to make this person asleep with one punch. However, this person's different. It's Abuto. "How are you little miss? I'm surprised that you're still alive." he said. "You want me to die that bad?" I said. "Probably." he added. We arrive at the place. Suddenly, I see the sadist lying unconsciously to the ground. "What the f- did you do to him?!" I yelled. "You know? The usual." he said. "YOU BASTARD!! YOU BRING ME HERE TO SHOW ME T-THAT YOU KILLED HIM?!" I shouted. "Now, show me what I've seen before. The moment where I almost killed your other friend and you transformed into a monster killer." he said provocatively. My Yato blood wakes up, and nothing's going to stop me for killing Abuto for good. Suddenly, two arms come flying to my body, seemingly holding me to stop my asylum-like behaviour. It was the sadist. "Stop this madness- China." he said. My insanity still didn't stop. I was acting like a mad dog out there. "So- this is what you're calling a true Yato's strength eh?" he asked. "Yeah, that's what we are." Abuto said. "Rest assured, she'll be mad at you for this fake act." he added. Moments later, my insanity stops. My knees suddenly falls to the ground. My strength has left me. As I sit, I see the sadist. "Oi, China. Earth to China." he called. "Sorry if I made you like that, I just wanted to know what a true Yato is like." he said, and then he hugs me. A tear flows out to my eye. I cry. "Y-YOU SADISTIC JERK! AND HERE AM I GETTING ALL INSANE BECAUSE I THOUGHT THAT HE KILLED YOU!" I shouted as I slam my fist into his chest. "There, there. It's okay now." he said as he pats my head to comfort me. "No, it's not-" I paused as I see a ring shown right in front of me. "This is my proposal. Will you marry me?" he said. Seriously, this was the most awkward moment of my life. "To think that my marriage proposal will be like this? Why?" I thought with pure astonishment. "By the way, this ring is just a toy ring so.." he said. "It doesn't matter anymore. Ring or no ring, this proposal is the most awkward yet the best night of my life." I said. Under the full moon, we kiss and hug passionately, and intimately. Month's later, we lived happily ever after as a newly-wed couple.


Z: This is the end of The Police and The Yato! You will surely be missed. Thank you for your utmost support! 😁😁😁😁

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