The Confession | THE PROPOSAL!!??

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Foreword: This chapter is set based on the movie Be Forever Yorozuya. The first half will be on Okita's confession, while the second half will be Kagura's perspective of her dear Okita's proposal.


So many things has happened between us, mostly from our consistent arguing and trivial fights that we do every time we meet. However, as our story goes on, we see each other on a different light. Yes, she's my long time rival and also my friend. Even if she's a Yato. Even if I regard her as a little girl despite our 4 year age difference. Now, I see her as a woman. I still call her China, but I get the feeling that I must call her by her name and not the nickname I gave her before. As I reminisce the day I didn't let her go and the time which I got mad at Nobume for threatening her, I realize that my springtime has come. I hope she also feels the same way as I am. I hope she doesn't change, because she can't become my China whom I argue with nor fight with anymore. After the battle from Danna's past self, we return to our own time dimension. This is the future.

Edo, the land where the aliens have colonized the land of the samurai. I know megane usually narrates this same old introduction, but I have to do it myself as I am the one speaking in this chapter. This is my afterword plus my comment section...

(Z: Hey!! This is the final chapter Sou-kun, don't screw this up by this diary-like style of yours)

After the White Plague, everything has come back to normal. Everybody is livelier than ever. To make it short, I'm back again to do lame patrols, but- now that I have a different look, lame patrolling is no more. This means, I have real work to do and these are what a first division police officer must handle. I swing by the park hoping that China would be there walking with Sadaharu or idly sitting there while eating her favourite snack, but she is not there. She must've been staying at Danna's doing nothing at all. "Same as always" I sighed as I shook my head. I go to their firm, hoping again that I may see her there. I knocked once, no response. I knock for the second time, someone comes rushing to the door. It's her. "We don't need any newspapers nor we will pay the rent! Ugh. It's hard to wake up in the morning you know?" she said, rubbing her eyes and scratching the back of her head short after. I smack her head off to wake some sense into her. Suddenly, she realizes that it's me. It starts. "Ah! What are you doing here, sadist?! What are you up to? Are you here to screw me again like the last time, or is it my turn to screw you up uh-huh?" she said, provoking me. "No, I'm not here to play games with you. I just wanted to see you that's all. Besides, we're grown ups now, you should act like one." I said. "Ooh. Some big words you have there. When did you become Buddha, haaa?" she said acting like a thug in front of me. "It's on me, there's nothing to be worried about scatter brain." I exasperated. Sadaharu goes to China. "What do you need Sadaharu? You need your breakfast, yes?" she said. The dog barks, agreeing to what she asked him for. "You've got some work to do, yes? Instead of slacking off, why don't you go and just do it sadist?" she said. I didn't say a word. "You were the one who says that you need to act like one, yeeeees?" she added. I wanted to say I miss her that's why I come all the way here to see her, but she's that dense and stupid not too see the obvious. "Yeah, I guess I'm that busy." I said nonchalantly. "Say hi to Danna for me." I added. After that, I go on my way.

Meanwhile at Yorozuya, China noticed a letter. "What's this? Meh- sadist must've dropped it unconsciously." she said. She takes the letter and put it on Danna's table. She has the intention of returning it to me, but as I said before, she's that stupid to not notice the obvious. A few minutes later, she paces back and forth on whether she'll be going to give it back to me or she'll wait for me to come some other day, but at the same time her curiosity's eating her up. She goes to the table and picks up the envelope. "I wonder what it is. Meh- I think it's some kind of random request again that he can rather do it by himself but is lazy not to do it." she said. She walks away, but she is stopped by her thoughts. "I think I'll just have a peek, yes?" she thought. She grabs a scissor and cuts the envelope open, then she grabs the letter. She reads it.

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