Chapter lll| Lost and Found

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Spark was on the ground with cuts, bruises, and he was bleeding all over. I was filled with anger when I saw him like this. "Hey, you!" My voice was loud and had an angry tone. The principle looked up at me. "What brings you here, Enderia?" She said with a smile. "What are you doing!?" The principle laughed and let go of Spark. "Punishing him, of course? What do you th-" A blade was in her throat, now. Lime green poured out, she was defiantly not normal. Wait, but who stabbed her? SPARK?

Spark stood up with a prisimine shard, and he had green blood all over him. "Are you okay?" He nodded. "Let's get out of here, and find the others."
"But- ... Okay..." He grabbed me and sprinted out, he was very determined... Spark stopped in the doorway of Arrow's and Diana's classroom. "Arrow! Diana! Get up now!" Everyone set their eyes on us. "What's up?" Diana asked. "Nothing- just, get out now!" The two got up and ran to the ender boy covered in green.

The teacher stared. "What's on your clothes, Spark?" He asked. "P-paint, let's go!" We all ran to the exit as fast as we could, but was stopped by a tall guard. "Where do you think you're goin, kids?" Arrow threw a rock at his helmet, and caused it to fall off. Then chucked one at his scarred face. "Ow! You b-" We all ran out the door, away from the school, into the dark forest with tall, dark, trees.

I leaned against a tree, trying to catch my breath. "Come on, End, that wasn't much running." Spark looked at me emotionless. "I'm not an... Athlete..." I said between my breaths. "We gotta go back home!" Arrow yelled. "I-I need my bow and arrow, not rocks!"

"Too bad, we're gonna keep on running from here." Diana was reading her book, being a huge nerd even now. "Diana, put the book down. Its not story time." She glared and shoved it in her small bag.

"Now, let's keep going." Spark turned and ran. Arrow followed, and us two slowpokes tried to keep up. After minutes, or what seemed like hours, we stopped by a river. "What now?" Diana asked bitterly. "W-We could camp out here for the night.." What a stupid suggestion. Spark nodded. "I'll go get sticks, Arrow gets stones, Diana finds food, and Enderia you can get some materials."

I ran out into the forest, trying to look for leather and a small tree for wood. I came across a cleared space with a chest and sleeping bag instead... Someone else is here too...

"U-Uh, hello?" My nervous voice echoed through the woods. Not here I guess. I opened the chest and found leather with beef. Fresh, raw, beef. Don't know if I should take it... I'll get caught probably... But we need it. I grabbed it and shoved it in my bag. Snap, a stick snapped. "Hey, you. Give it back."

I turned and saw a man with six black, large arms. His dark brown hair was messy and his hazel eyes stared into my light purple ones.

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