Top 10 Facts - Random

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1. When Hitler conquered France in World War II, the French cut off the cable that brings people up the Eiffel Tower. So Hitler might have conquered France, but not the Eiffel Tower.

2. In episode V of Star Wars, they froze Han Solo because they weren't sure if Harrison Ford would play the part again in episode VI.

3. More people have went to the moon than reach the deepest part of the ocean.

4. There was a plan to put nukes in space but it was stopped. Now the only thing stopping you from putting a Death Star type device in space is a piece of paper from the '60s.

5. Brazil had the most wins in the World Cup starting in 1950.

6. Most serial killers are born in November.

7. When you eat a polar bear's liver, you'll die because you can't take in that much vitamin A.

8. Hitler's broadcast message was so strong it reached space. So if aliens did exist, the first words they would hear from us are Hitler's words. But the signal would just be static the deeper in space it goes.

9. German Football (Soccer) player Mesut Özil donated the money he won in World Cup to charity.

10. "Will Will Smith Smith" is a sentence.

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