Chapter Fifteen: New Year, New Me.

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I shook my head and laughed, the three of us had a day off from everything since it was New Year's Day and Ryan decided to treat us to a spa and shopping day, as we were getting pedicures done my mind just blanked out for a few minutes I guess, I couldn't stop thinking about what Jonathan said to me last night.

"I wasn't staring into the future, I was thinking."

"You were lost in thought for quite awhile there, Jim. Everything alright?" Ryan asks, concern filled her eyes.

"Yeah, everything is fine, don't worry guys." I assured them both.

"Alright, well, Trev just texted me and he said that he, Jon and Patrick want us to meet them Uncle Julio's for dinner." Emily alerted us.

"What time?" Ryan asks.

"Eight o'clock."

"That's in one hour." I said with a small laugh.

"Well I guess we better get going." Ryan said, pulling down her leggings.

We hurried ourselves through the hustle and bustle of the traffic in the city, Ryan, of course driving like a maniac just to meet the boys ten minutes after the time they told us.

"You're late." Patrick glared playfully as the three of us approached the table. 

"No, you've just made the plans too early." Ryan shrugged.

"Hey." I smiled as I sat next to Jonathan.

He smiled back, pecking my cheek then wrapped his arm around me.

"Hey." He repeated me.

"Look at that guy, wearing a Maple Leafs jersey. Hey kid this is Chicago!" Ryan narrowed her eyes and started yelling across the restaurant.

"Jesus Christ, Ryan." Patrick laughed.

"Ryan, if you do not behave yourself right now I will take you to the car and drive you home little missy." Emily said with her thick southern accent bouncing off the walls in the loud restaurant.

"But he's wearing a Maple Leafs jersey!"

"Hey my brother plays for that team." Trevor faked a pout.

"Caught yourself in a jam, Ryan." Jonathan laughed, throwing a tortilla chip at her.

"Tell him to come to this team! We'll have two Van Riemsdyk's!"

"What's wrong with the Maple Leafs?" I ask, looking at Jonathan.

"Ryan just hates them." Pat answered.

"They think they're better than any other team." Ryan rolled her eyes.

"Okay, the Chicago Blackhawks are the best team in the NHL!" I stated proudly, trying to calm Ryan down.

"Damn right!" Ryan shouted.

Surprisingly it did calm her down, she stopped yelling at the poor kid. An hour past of chatting and laughing over delicious authentic Mexican food, the guys having a few drinks and just having a good time.

"Okay, how do you say.. Fuck off?" Emily asks Jonathan as he was teaching everyone how to say curse words in French.

French was Jonathan's second langue, he spoke it fluently from his mom's side. If I didn't know he was Canadian I would have thought he was a full blown Frenchman.

"Foutre le camp." He replied with a smirk.

"I know some French." I say, making everyone's head turn.

Somebody To You (a Jonathan Toews love story/fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat