Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up with a massive headache from last night, I remember Robert took me home because I was too drunk to drive, or maybe I'd ended up laying on the pool chair like Nathan. I took the medication that may have been prepared by Robert from last night and went to the living room laying on the couch enjoying the silence remembering that Scarlett probably is having a nice brunch with Clint, and Dion was busy with the dolphins in Bahamas.

I look at the time on the Clock wall and not surprised it shows eleven thrity in the morning, but its still Friday, I still have to work but I don't care, I'm just gonna call Robert for not coming due to this hangover. I was about to call him when my phone ring and show his caller ID on the screen


"Hey Robert, Sorry I can't go to work today, because you know what happened when you get drunk," I answered sluggishly

I heard him chuckle

"I called you to give you a day off today," he said

"Really? Wow, okay I won't ask for a raise later because of this, Thank you," I said

"I will give you a raise, unless...," he paused


"Never mind, let's get some breakfast or should I say lunch?" he laughed

Oh that laugh, make my head better

"I don't feel like to move from the couch but, alright," I replied

"Alright, I'll pick you up in ten minutes, bye," he hung up

I got up and strolled to my room lazily and change my clothes with a sweat shirt and a basketball short after clean myself up, I don't care if I look like homeless. I took my phone and my wallet before finally meeting him in front the entrance, he arrived shortly after that with AC/DC blasting in the car

"Please can you turn down the music please, I'm still recovering from my headache," I told him as I entered the car

he just smiled at me not listening to what I said and we drive to a small restaurant near the Central Park

I was admiring him in a black tank top covered up with lather jacket that made him looks perfect as always when we're at the restaurant, he just glanced at me a few times with a smirk on his face and say nothing while waiting for our order. He then took off his raybans that he had been wearing when the food arrived

"So what's make you give me a day off? How about Nathan?" I cracked the silence while eating my pancake

"He just left when I called you before, and...," he paused swallowing his sliced bacon

"I'm not the evil boss type, letting you guys have fun on weekdays and still want themcome to the office the next day, because I want all my staff to do their best performance while at work,"

I agree with that

"How about we take a walk at the park after this?" I said looking outside the window beside our table


I looked back at him and finish my food

It's been a long time since I last visit here, I usually take a walk here with Dion or Scarlett just to get a fresh air on the weekend. I glance at Robert who is now wearing his rayban again looking around the park while we walk, I wonder what's on his mind but I'm afraid to ask. I was looking at him when suddenly he turned his face to me and we stopped walking

"Okay, I know I look good, so could you stop staring? What's up?" he asked raising his eyebrow

I rolled my eyes then I stare on the ground"Nothing, you just seem quiet today," 

He took my hand make me look up again with surprise and lead me to an empty bench near by, I take a sit beside him

"I'm just enjoying the atmosphere here," he answered my question

I nodded

"How about we use this moment to get to know each other, you know, as a friend?" I said

He looked at me for awhile

"What about more than friend?" He said quickly and looked away with a chuckle

Is this real?

"What did you say?" I quickly responds try to look at his face

"I didnt say anything?" he shrugged

"Ah, Come on Rob, I know you said something before," I rolled my eyes made him laughed

"So I'm Rob now? Not Robert?" he teased me and that makes me blush this time

"Whatever you say Robert," I punched his arm lightly

"So what do you want to know about me?" he now change his sitting position facing me

What should I ask? I always hate myself when I don't have anything to ask when someone let me to ask questions

"Don't you have family here to spend the weekend with? Or maybe someone special? A girlfriend maybe?" I asked him rapidly making him laugh

That laugh again

"Why do you always ask million question at a time?"

"Can't help it," I smiled

"Well my parents live around here but they are on the trip try to travel around the world, It's like their bucket list thingy, and my sister lives in LA with her husband and kids, and a girlfriend?" he paused for awhile he seemed to be thinking about something

"I'm currently not in relationship with any girl or any special someone," he continued and smile at me

"Why? I mean, as you said you look good, you have a good career, what's holding you from having a relationship?" I said, but feeling stupid second after asking all those questions

he just chuckled again and answered

"Well, I'm not a relationship type guy, but It's not like I don't want to be in one, I just feel it's still not my time yet,"

I just stay in silence looking at the lake ahead

"Any othe question you wanna ask?" he said again

I shooked my head because I don't know what to ask anymore.

The next hours we just spent sitting there and Robert asked many question to me than what I asked to him before, he even asked about my pets if I have one. I'm happy today I have someone to spend half of the day with while everyone is on their own vacation, but is having a quality time with my boss a good thing? I'm afraid I'll fall for him but after today, I think I'm really gonna fall for this guy deeper, slowly, but surely.

I can't let this happen, or Should I give in?

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