Half Past Gone

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Half Past Gone 
By: Jacob Roach and Grant Price

It's been ten years since the Earth fell and died. We've been living in fear at what might
happen next. All the stores, towns, everything died, and all because America and China had a huge war. It was April 16, 2026. We had been fighting each other for years on end. Then America, us, me, sent a nuke to China to make sure the war ended. We had no idea that the radiation would spread through the core of the Earth and open new cracks on the surface. That was where the radiation got to all the children, men, and women. Everything mutated into to something more than what it is.

            Lions became bigger than trucks. DNA of other animals started to coincide with humans DNA. Anything that was small became large and mutated. Anything large originally became bigger than buildings. That's why what's left of humanity is trying to stay as human as possible and not turn into some animal. Everything is already half past gone.


     "Hey Rex." "What Uncle Max?" "Would you mind taking the dog outside?" "Dog. That
dog hasn't been a dog since everything broke down. You know that?" I said. "Yeah but, she's family and she survived the fall, so she deserves respect. Not only that but she protected us. If it weren't for her we would be dead." Uncle Max retorted. "Alright, I'll take her out." I said. "Come
on Rosie." Rosie's a big dog. Before the fall she was a mastiff. Now she's bigger than a small house. She's about twenty feet tall and twelve feet long. Her largest tooth was at least two feet long. She has reddish brown fur with large ears.
Uncle Max had also been affected by the radiation when the fall happened. He has the
DNA of an eagle in him. His wings were huge, his feet now had talons to. He still had arms and legs but they now had some feathers on them. His eyesight had really gone up when he was crossed. I could get away with just about anything before. Now I can't get away with anything.

Now it's only me and Uncle Max. I had hope that my parents would survive the cross but they didn't. I'm guessing that the more creatures you're crossed with the harder it is to survive. But that doesn't explain me. I was crossed with a red-tailed hawk, snake, cheetah, tree frog, gecko, a grey wolf, a stone fish, and a starfish. I survived. Which is why it doesn't make sense. Uncle Max and I came up with a theory that you become crossed with the animal you're closest to. Like him, he was hunting a bald eagle when it happened. I... I was at the zoo. Now I have large scaled wings, can climb walls, I have heat signature sight, a great sense of smell, can regrow limbs, a tail, and can camouflage. I also figured out that I can lose the tail at any time I want. I also shed a lot, and have spines that can eject venom and I have gills on my neck. I have claws and talons that I can control at will because of the cheetah DNA too. Not only that but because of the cheetah I have speed, and I can camouflage because of the tree frog DNA.We have only met a handful of people since the fall happened. We heard rumors that
people who hadn't been near any animals had been crossed with plants. One of them said
they even met someone who had been crossed with a carrot.
Getting food most people find hard. But Uncle Max and I have been finding meat quite
easily. Fruits and vegetables are pretty easy to get. Since everything was a whole lot bigger than it used to be.

        "Are you done girl?" Bark. "Yeah, let's go back inside than." I said.
"Did she go to the bathroom?" Uncle Max asked. "Yeah." I said. "You didn't get hit with
it this time did you?" said Uncle Max. I looked at him with a look that said "Ask me that
again and see what happens." "Okay." was all he said. Sometimes Uncle Max asked the most strangest things. "What's for dinner?" I asked. "I was thinking about having some squirrel stew for dinner." Uncle Max answered. "That sounds pretty good actually." I said.
Crash! "What was that?" Uncle Max shouted. "I don't know I'll go check it out."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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