"You so do. You wanna know something else, girls?" You said, your gaze now settled on Freakshow's lax form.

Freakshow raised an eyebrow. "What?... Me? N-no..." She blushed madly at the look you were giving her, turning away shyly. Like Insona, the normally obscure female reacted in a way no one would ever expect her to. It seemed she was shy when it came to romance. 

"Freak likes someone, too."

"Well, who is it?" Gabby demanded, grabbing your shoulders and shaking them violently. "I neeeeeeed to know!"

"Freak likes Zer0. Like, really likes him."

Freakshow's face burned intensely as she hid behind her hands, turning away.

"Freak, don't be so coy! There's nothing wrong with liking him!" Jane laughed, punching the black-haired girl's shoulder in a friendly manner.

"I hate you, (y/n)," Freak shook her head, sighing.

You grinned at her words. "Well, since it is girl talk time, and you guys weren't going to tell them, I figured I would."

"I don't like Laughing Jack, though..." Insona whined.

You snorted. "Ha, I've seen the way you look at him... One minute, you're deeply focused on the book in your hand, the next your gazing longish at the black and white clown. Don't tell me you don't like him. You so do."

Insona dropped her head in defeat, finally admitting her crush on the clown.

Freakshow's face finally calmed down, and she mumbled. "He wouldn't go for me anyways."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Angel sputtered, putting her hands on her hips with obvious sass.

Freakshow shrugged, looking out the window to avoid answering Angel's question.

"We have to get you people hooked up with your guys!" Gabby squealed, a little too loudly.

Alex cringed at the high-pitched sound that came from her twin's mouth, the edge of her lips turning down in a slight frown.

"I can do it myself!" Insona insisted.

"Then go do it right now." Jane smirked.

"Fine, I will." With that, Insona jumped to her feet. She yanked the door open, ready to dash out only to be met with the smiling face of the male she was just about to go see.

"Oh... L.J.," Insona stuttered, clasping her hands behind her back, bouncing slowly on the balls of her feet awkwardly. "Why are you here?"

"I came to deliver some candy~" He giggled, towering over the girl as he stepped closer, making her blush.

"Oh, really? Where is it?" Flick taunted.

"You caught me. I wanted to see what you ladies were up to~" The clown swung his arm around Insona, prancing further into the room. "Can I join?"

"Uh, no! Get out!" Sally shrieked, jumping up and pushing L.J. towards the open door.

"We totally weren't talking about you," Gabby chirped joyfully.

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