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Hailey-Senpai: What an adorable *going to faint* snugglemuffin *faints*

Kaneki: Oops..

Juuzou: She'll be fiiiiinnnee.

Hailey-Senpai: *weakly groans* Fuuuucccck yoooouuu toooooo Juuuuzzzzzyyy. *faints again*

Ayato: If you get me sick, I'll murder you.

Touka: She's the author, she can make anything happen.... *snort* look downz

Ayato: *pantless and pink smiley face under where is showing* Ah! Fuck you too!

Kaneki: Can I still have a hug?

Hailey-Senpai: When I wake up.

Hide: I haven't had any lines ;-;

Tokyo Ghoul Random Adventures: Senpai EditionWhere stories live. Discover now