I don't know what to name this

Start from the beginning

"Y/N I'm sorry I was snubbing you" Gracie said

"Yeah, What was that about giving me the silence treatment" you asked

"It just when you left when you went to 7th grade I got bullied and my mom got even more sick I guess I blamed it on you" Gracie said starting to cry

"Hey Gracie" you said trying to comfort her which is pretty hard with one arm

"Hey It Alright I forgive you" you said

"Thank you" she said

"Hey, I was thinking I should go to New Jersey with You and the Guys" you said

Her face lit up like a Christmas Tree

"Really" she asked

"Yeah" you said

She started jumping up and down excitedly and hug you really tight

"Ow Gracie My Arm" you said

She stop hugging and pulled away quickly "sorry" she said

The Nurse came back, "you have to leave my shifts is almost over" she

"Okay Bye" you said to Gracie

"Bye" Gracie said

"When can she leave" Gracie asked the nurse

"Tomorrow in the Afternoon" she reliped

"Thanks Gracie for saving my life" you said

"Anytime" she said walking out the door

"That's your best friend" the nurse asked

" Yeah" you said

"What time do you leave" you asked

"1:00pm its now 12:50" she said

"Is there a another nurse to look after me?" You asked

"Yeah there's a afternoon nurse, she a little new through, she started 3 weeks ago " she said

"How long have you been working here" you asked

"5 years now" she anwsered

"How did you know you wanted to be a nurse" you asked

"I didn't I got in trouble with the law, this was one the choice for community service, and I fell in love with helping people, so when my community service was I went to school" she said

Then a another nurse walked in

"This is Nurse Lauren she gonna be with you Afternoon and Night Shifts"

Nurse Lauren looked like she was fresh out of high school

"Bye Nurse Debra" you said getting a sneak peek of her name tag

"Bye Y/N" she said


There you go an update, Merry Christmas to you I don't know if I can have Christmas in the next chapter but I try

QOTD: Have you ever broken anything in your body

Me I have never broke anything but didn't pop my toe and it hurts popping it back into places

Also I recommend these Authors: ayecalifornia and camxjack also natemaloski go check them their books are awesome

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