Chapter One:

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Chapter 1:


"Yes this is it. This is the moment when I start my revenge," he said tonelessly. Aidan rearing back on his heels, but those light blue eyes became alight like a deep thunderous winter throughout the dark.

He immediately leveled his eye through the scope of the heavy rifle, holding a strong grip on the weapon from the weight as he already knew the weight was exactly 10.8 pounds. The name was told to be a Tac Ops Tango 51. A very dangerous weapon being 44.3 inches long and the target he intentionally wanted to pull the trigger upon would indeed bring an aftermath of 25 in accuracy.

He needed to kill him - Jack Chase.

Aiden itched to pull the trigger back and release the bullet. Perspiration brimming at the edge of his hair line, his eyes and senses alert for the person he was watchful for. Oncoming wind now sailed smoothly like a mother caress and was now brushing his bare wiry arms, he flexing his muscles to dull the numbness.

The big bold yellow sun that was once bright had now shimmied down slowly away from the sky in slow motion. Rays following hurriedly and swiftly as if seeking comfort from the illuminating source. Yet the traffic kept moving on and horns honking in fast pace bellow the area on the street as Aiden decided to hide him-self on top of the rooftop.

Aiden's ice blue pupils were glaring at the street far below his feet, his inner feelings envying other people's lives and how they could live the life they had. A life he dreamt of but now as he focused back into reality, it was now a reality in which he died on inside.


'Why,' is what you are probably wondering because you are asking, 'Why did I want to burry my emotions?' Why more importantly did I seek bloody revenge like a ravenous animal committing slaughter? Wanting to commit slaughter against from no other than Jack Chase?

It's very simple logic really; Jack Chase took hold of my own will and ripped it into shreds. Taking along with it my one existence for living...and shouldn't that sum it up? Shouldn't that be able to explain the broken heart in which was mine? For me to be able to explain the impossibility of me being able to move on.

How can I ever get over the fact that my soul mate was killed in cold blood? My soul mate, Crystal, buried in the ground. The moist dirt being her fellow friend, the non-existent air finally becoming her welcomed haven and now dwelling in a dirt casket in which would forever be Crystals new founded home. Crystal, my beloved mate would forever be imprisoned in the soil...

Yet the reason to execute, Crystal, the deed to kill her was just for the fact of us, Crystal and I, not submitting to the all powerful Jack Chase. The Alpha of the ValyrianWolves was Jack Chase. He who was in charge over Crystal, over me, over all...but in the end did it matter of whose life should be taken? Did it matter at what cost would keep my soul mate alive and breathing? The answer was no!

Jack Chase, the Alpha, the all-powerful beast rang power in his wake. Whoever did not bow down would be punished. Whoever did not give in would be broken. Whoever did not sheath there rebellious outcry would be followed to then and there shatter. There to lie in the end vulnerable, helpless and to die. It unfortunately includes his fellow Beta.

Furthermore, Aiden Black -I second in command -was indeed punished.

"Death will be your undoing.'' I sneered. "My partner,'' I saying it with undeniable hatred in my heart, but suddenly I caught movement of the glass entrance doors being pushed slightly ajar. Instantly I could smell the scent taint the air.

Caressing the bark of the trees the air blew full bloom. Naturally nature responded by swaying from side to side. The branches, the fresh dew of the leaves crowning the trees sashayed from side to side on the other side of the traffic as the automobiles carried on the street.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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