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Chaos killed the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs killed the silence. And the silence killed the fun. Now Cody Matthews is well acquainted with the prime definition of fun, but not the silence that followed a trilogy of catastrophic confessions. In advance to an eventful night of ceaseless films featuring unrealistically handsome actors and a free-flowing stream of popcorn bowls, a group of five friends sprawl themselves across Samantha Watson's king size bed.

"Love is a sham." Sienna Burnett doesn't dress heartbreak well. She displays it through the use of short skirts and blood red Louis Vuitton heels. A lethal combination to cure a broken heart. The petite red head who has lived two doors down from Cody for nine consecutive years, presumed, due to the prolonged period of living in a somewhat close proximity, that the two had established a lifelong friendship. But Cody often questioned her supposed attachment to Sienna, whether her tolerating attitude towards the girl's recurring childish behaviour would ultimately run dry. Sienna had been the uppermost subject of discussion due to her relation to the virtually moronic Dave Fischer. A brainless, dim-witted jock who's biggest fear is the banishment of pastel polo shirts and loafers.

"Just because your love life has shrivelled up and died doesn't mean mine has," Gigi Foreman sighs. As one fifth of the dishevelled mass that are Cody's closest friends, Gigi acts as the emotionally stable, social butterfly whose priorities aren't always where they are supposed to be.

The second component of the incomparable group of five, is Samantha, or preferably Sam Watson. The dependable element with an open home and welcoming smile. Sam has pitch black locks that rest on her back like a warm, engulfing coat, it's the fundamental indication of her Lebanese roots. A feature that is shared among the Watson household.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sam questions, twirling around on her navy blue desk chair with a curious expression. Sam and Cody comprise of the most favourable friendship out of the five. Both impassive and apathetic towards the materialistic values that Gigi, Aspen and Sienna hold in high esteem, the two developed an abiding bond.

"It means I have a crush," Gigi says nonchalantly. Beside her, Aspen Saunders rises from her reclined position on the white, fleecy carpet. Aspen, the absentee of the five, attributable to her dedication to her promising volleyball career, laughs lightly at Gigi's blithe attitude. Aspen is equable, the immediate opposite of Sienna and Gigi.

"How terribly fascinating," Cody speaks, pure apathy lacing her words. However, Gigi is less than mindful of sarcasm and perks up at her friend's sudden interest.

"You care?" the hope that defines Gigi's smile is pitiful. The genuine expectation that defines her stare is humorous to Cody.

"I care more about the fly I killed this morning than your innocent crush," Cody slants back on her seat against the rim of Sam's bed and twirls her blonde locks around her index finger in an apathetic manner. Gigi's love life is of no interest to her whether it involves the Queen of England, Zac Efron or the first, confirmed extraterrestrial creature.

"Screw you, Cody," Gigi snarls, slumping deeper into the fleecy pillows in Sam's expansive bedroom. Vulnerable to immediate criticism, Gigi tends to retreat from Cody's bitterly forthright remarks.

"You're too cynical," Sienna mumbles distastefully.

"I'm realistic. You're all hung up on immature boys who promise an idealistic relationship when there's logically no future," Cody sighs. Her tone is sympathetic; she's expressing her commiseration to Gigi's helpless behaviour. Cody has always believed that having somebody who likes you more than you like them is what oddly balances a relationship. A girl should never have to feel inclined to outdo her utter best to impress a boy. Gigi is one of those girls who will never be find herself such situation. She merely has to blink to receive the unreserved attention of an intended target.

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