Chapter 18

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"They've been quiet for awhile guys.."

"Hmmm I wonder...joke" Georgette teased

"Maybe they made up already"

"Why don't we check them out?" Dana winked

"What's there to check?" Trixia asks

"Well, your bed for starters...." Dana teased

"LET'S GO GUYS" Trixia exclaims as we all rush back to the room

"DAMMIT JR DON'T GO IN THERE" We hear Bettina exclaim


"WHAT''S GOING ON" Trixia exclaims as we all barged in

And there they were

Side by side

On the bed

Startled by us

Playing GTA

As we were all laughing and teasing, we suddenly heard a small bell ring

"The hell was that" I wondered

"Oh that means dinner's ready let's go!"

It's been hours and Raph never left my mind...

At least the people around me are having a splendid time

"So Trix, I heard Logan tried to ask you out" Bettina blurted

"Well, I guess he did but.."

"But what?" Dana asks

"Don't you guys think it's a little, not a really good time?"

"It's summer man, what the hell?"

"Yeah Trix, this could be a good one for you. Logan's a pretty nice guy"

"Cute too." I added

"Let's just all focus on our week together and I guess I'll just give him a call after"

"Oh and speaking of calls, Jen aren't you gonna answer that?"

It's Raph

"Well well well" Georgette teased

"Fine, wait for me here."

So I took a deep breath

Here goes nothing


"Hey Jen, it's Raph"

"Um, I kinda have your number so uh"

"Oh yeah right right. So um, how are you guys doing?"

"We're just having dinner, you?"

"We just arrived here in Seattle."

"Oh that's great."


Well this is awkward

"Oh and Jen?"



"Pepper misses you badly"

"Aw, I miss her too. Where is she?"

"She's asleep. Got tired from the trip so"

"Well, I hope to see you guys soon"

"May I ask something?"


"Are we still on for you know...Christmas? At Dana's?"

"Uhm yeah yeah it's fine but if you don't mind of course"

"Great! I I'll just pick you up on the 23rd?"

"Wouldn't that complicate things?"

"What do you mean?"

"You and Dana are both in Seattle already. You sure it's okay for you to go all the way here and back?"

"Of course I wouldn't mind. Anyway, hope you're all having fun there. Take care of yourself"

"You too Raph. You too."

So I hanged up. I was still a loss for words and as I turned around, I saw everyone staring at me with a grin on their faces

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