"How does this look?" she asked.

"Isn't that my shirt?" I asked, crossing my arms and pretending to survey her critically. "You look pretty as always. Why don't you get out some silverware for us, okay?"

Maddie cheerfully began getting out forks and spoons, setting the table complete with folded paper napkins and her plastic cups.

When Clare came down a few minutes later, wearing shorts and a bright tie-dye t-shirt, dinner was already ready. She sat down resentfully and stabbed her spoon into her pasta, not even noticing that I'd put peanut butter with her apples—her favorite thing to eat.

"Cheer up, Clare!" chirped Maddie, swinging her legs underneath the table. "This is going to be fun!"

While the girls ate, I inhaled an apple and a granola bar and then went upstairs to get ready. I ended up selecting an aqua blue t-shirt and white shorts and pulled my hair back in a hot pink headband I tied on one side of my head. After grabbing my sneakers, I went downstairs to find Maddie and Clare almost finished eating.

"Hurry up," I said, beginning to load the dishwasher and wipe down the counters. Both girls brought their plates over to me when they were done eating, Clare still frowning and Maddie still smiling.

A few minutes later, we were inside my van and I was starting the engine. I kept both hands firmly gripping the steering wheel in the ten o'clock, two o'clock position, my knuckles turning white. Nervously, I pressed down on the gas pedal and steered the car out of the driveway.

It was a short way to school, and I parked near the soccer field, where the stadium lights were already reflecting on the stretch of green grass and fans were already milling in the stands. Our school was likely the only one where we had a larger turn-out for soccer games than football games—not only was our football team the worst in history, but everyone loved the varsity soccer players.

I found seats in the stands a little ways away from everyone else, not wanting to overwhelm my little sisters with the obnoxious crowd of high schoolers, and settled down to watch the game. It was just starting, and I could see Cameron on our side of the field, wearing bright red and standing in front of the net.

"Cameron!" exclaimed Maddie, bouncing up and down in her seat and watching as he guarded the net carefully.

The first part of the game passed uneventfully, until Cameron made a great save that got the crowd up on its feet and then our school scored a goal. The other team called a time-out and Cameron came over to the fence to say hi to Maddie, Clare, and me.

He was sweaty and out of breath, but I was still glad to see him. Maddie immediately scampered over and tried to hug him even though there was a fence in the way, and I followed with Clare trailing me.

"Hey, Evelyn," he said after he'd ruffled Maddie's hair satisfactorily. "Nice neon."

I smiled. "Great game so far."

"For sure." He waved to Clare, who was refusing to look at him, then shrugged and turned back to me. "Should be an easy win," he said, panting a little. "Jefferson doesn't have a very good team."

I glanced over at the Jefferson team, which was gathered in a haphazard circle while a burly coach yelled at them to get into shape. "Now, Cameron," I said, my mouth twitching. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

He rolled his eyes, but at that point the ref blew the whistle, and he leaned forward to kiss my cheek quickly before jogging back over to the net. I climbed back up in the bleachers to my seat, then began braiding my hair absentmindedly as I watched the game unfold.

It turned out that Jefferson was a pushover. Our school won easily, 5-0, and the noise in the crowd was deafening as everyone whooped and cheered at the end of the second half. I was on my feet applauding, with Maddie jumping up and down beside me. Even Clare looked mildly excited.

Cameron climbed over the fence and hurried over to me, still extremely sweaty but beaming.

"Can you believe it?" he crowed, hurtling the bleachers to come stand beside me. "We won!"

"You're the one who said it would be easy," I pointed out.

He turned to smile at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "This is true. Hey, there's a party at my place. Feel like coming?"

I glanced pointedly at Maddie and Clare, then back at him, and his expression literally drooped. "All right then," he said. "I don't have to go, either. We can hang out or—"

"It's fine," I said. "Go have fun. Just not too much fun."

He hugged me and kissed the top of my head, saying, "Of course not. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"All right, Maddox. Congrats on the game again."

Grinning, he high-fived Maddie and Clare and then bounded back out onto the field, his hair flopping and looking like a happy golden retriever. Smiling, I took Maddie and Clare each by the hand and led them away, listening as they eagerly discussed the game. Even Clare seemed to be enjoying herself.

"I want to go to the party," whined Maddie as I buckled her into her seatbelt and then climbed into the driver's seat.

"No way, Miss Maddie," I said. "It's already well past your bedtime, anyway."

I could hear music playing from the field as I drove away, wishing my parents were still here watching Maddie and Clare so that I could be back there with everyone else, enjoying myself instead of living a life that I definitely hadn't signed up for.

A/N: Sorry for the uneventful chapter. I promise there's something HUGE happening soon...

Love y'all!

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