By the time you read this (Propie)

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By the time you read this.

By the time you read this,

I will be long gone

You had me, but you let me go

What more can I give you?

It's funny how you're calling me now

When we were together, I yearned for that.

But you never called, so why now?

The tide's passed, taking me with it.

You try so hard to blur the lines,

But mine are drawn in blood,

The blood that bled from my broken heart

It's dry now, can't be erased.

I see your words as clear as day,

Your intentions seep through.

You try to be subtle, but you fail.

Your desperation highlights your mistakes.

You are a part of the past that I left behind

I learned from the humiliation you caused

Going back to you would be taking a step back

I gave so much, received so little.

By the time you read this,

You'll have only my memory to hold

I slipped out of your arms a long time ago

By the time you read this,

I might have moved on.

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