Chapter 11

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Rake's POV

Damn this girl was really hot, no wonder Offendy tried to get her. I could tell that he wanted to rape her since his brothers weren't around. Jessica, I think her name was, was stirring around in my bed. I guess she was having a bad dream. I fixed her wounds since I clawed her with my one foot and half long talons. Her clothes were soaked in blood,sweat, and tears. I changed her into some sweats and a black tee. Me, the pervert I am, stared at her delicious looking body that is soon gonna be mine. A few minutes after I changed her, she woke up and looked all around the room until her eyes landed on mine. She quickly got up and ran for the door. I stopped her by pinning her into the wall, my breath on her angelic face. She looked at the ground, I lifted her chin with my finger. *Rake is still in human form* She looks scared and whimpered when I was reaching under her shirt. My hand cupped her breast and she was struggling to break free. I then left a stinging pain on my left cheek. She just slapped me. "A feisty one, I like it," I winked at her only to be returned with a death glare.

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Hey Little One( Slenderman Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ