rocmate (???) 1

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warnings: blood, sort of gore i guess??? its just ...ok ??? like ok...also its really bad
swinging the door open, the bear looked around the front room, a small smile on her face. "mafuyu? hmm, i wonder....where could she be?" she took a few steps towards the center of the room. "is she..under the table?" she quickly got down, peeking under the table. no dice. her smile faded as she continued to look around the room, only to not find the cheerful little kid. "....mafuyu?"
after checking the attic and not turning up anything, rocma slowly made her way towards the bedroom door. she slowly opened it, putting on a soft smile. "mafuyu, you can't hide from m—" her words were cut off as the scene before her clicked. it felt as if someone had punched her in the gut. lying on her bed was idate, his mouth and part of his suit stained red. he was smoking, per usual, putting out the cigarette on what seemed to be mafuyu's hat.
he chuckled, sitting up and letting out a sigh. "i was almost getting worried you'd miss dinner!" he glanced behind him, picking something up before standing and walking towards rocma. she got ready to attack as idate held out the fresh piece of meat. rocma felt the anger burning her body from head to toe, tears brimming in her eyes. the only god damn good thing on this island.. gone.
she was quivering, her eyes shifting from the drawings on the walls, to the leftover organs covering her now bloodstained sheets, and back to the piece of meat in idate's hands. the orca only chuckled, drawing his hand back and eating the morsel himself. "...i've never seen this expression before. not on you, at least." he grinned. without hesitation, rocma began to blindly swing at him. he only continued to step back as she swung, until he had hit the wall. "i'll...i'll kill you!" rocma screamed, letting the tears she'd been holding back stream down her face.
before, he'd just been a nuisance. something to annoy her every now and then. now? it was different. it felt nothing like when idate would fight with her on the shore— she knew she would get away, somehow. "rocma, darling, you look a bit stressed.. you should lie down.." the orca offered, grabbing her arm and beginning to drag her towards her bloodied bed.
she struggled and swung at him, to no avail. he wasn't playing around anymore. this wasn't real, was it? he would make her lie down, right where he'd killed her...and then she'd wake up. and mafuyu would be playing with her yarn... that's how it would go, that's how it would have to. but it didn't. as she was pushed down, she could feel the blood soaking her coat. she could feel something squish under her head, and the tears started to come again.
     "i hope it's comfortable enough for you! only the best for my sweet rocma.." idate chimed, before lying down directly next to her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. he let out a content sigh, and licked his lips. the whole room fell silent, save for rocma's attempts to steady her breathing, to calm down. the tears wouldn't stop falling as she thought of the cheerful seal running around, playing with peraco and her family.. and in one fell swoop, she was gone. and he didn't think anything of it. he thought it was just another meal. rocma continued to cry, though it was eventually silent as well. she was soon asleep, the blood beginning to dry below her.
     when rocma awoke, she was on the floor. the sheets were clean. she shot up. it was fake, then? before saying anything else, she looked towards mafuyu's bed. it was torn into pieces. the little hope she had drained in mere moments. she stood, shaking as she slowly made her way to the door, entering the front room. she heard quick footsteps, before a large weight suddenly hit her back, sending her to the floor. "oops! sorry!" idate chuckled as he looked down.
     "i didn't mean to!" he continued, quickly picking her up before she could speak. he brought her into a tight hug, kissing her cheek. he let go of her right after, and she wiped her face. she heard him sigh when she did. " know, i didn't deserve that, rocma." she felt the anger beginning to come back, landing a hard punch directly to the orca's face that sent him stumbling backwards. he tripped over the table, falling and breaking it in half. after a few sexonds of silence, he started laughing.
     rocma ripped a drawer from the dresser, the clothes inside being dumped to the floor as she slammed it down on the orca. he slowly pushed it off, before standing up.  a wide grin spread across his face, rocma getting another drawer ready. he ripped the coat rack from the wall, swinging it at rocma. she held up the drawer, not expecting it to hit so hard. she stumbled, and idate swung it again, knocking her back into the dresser, which now only had one drawer left. he tossed the coat rack behind him, prying the drawer from rocma's hands.
     he shoved her back into the corner, trapping her. "look at the mess you made, honey! who's going to clean all this up, hm?" she went to knee him, but as she brought up her leg, he grabbed it, picking her up. "i guess i'll have to, the—" he went silent as there was loud knocking on the door. he dumped rocma to the floor, before walking to open the door.
     "hi!! is mafuyu able to come and p—..." the small girl on the other side of the door went quiet as she stared up at idate. rocma slowly stood up, running over to the door. before saying anything, peraco ran with all her might, her family with her. idate started laughing, before stepping out. "thank you for having me, rocma!" and with that, he left again. like he hadn't done anything. like he hadn't taken away everything rocma had left on this godforsaken island.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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