Chapter 25: From London to Hogwarts

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The mood within Grimmauld Place was surprisingly upbeat as Harry and Ginny sat at the long wooden dining table, watching Molly and Kreacher battle for control of the kitchen as lunch was prepared.

Molly was trying to wield pots and pans with one arm still bandaged, while Kreacher was happily darting from one end of the kitchen to the other, whistling to himself as he ignored Molly's repeated protests that she could look after herself.

Harry and Ginny had initially insisted that Molly should sit down and relax, but had given up trying to fight her stubborn resistance to their pleas. Instead, they now waited patiently for Molly to tire herself out as they talked about last night's attack.

Harry kissed Ginny softly, feeling the smile on his lips as he did so. He broke away from Ginny and peered into her eyes.

"Thanks for saving my life last night," said Harry gratefully.

Ginny beamed at Harry. "You're welcome, my sweet Harry, but what on earth were you thinking when you jumped out of the window like that?"

"I panicked I guess," said Harry sheepishly. "I knew we didn't stand a chance if we stayed inside, and when I saw the broom I imagined I could swoop out the window and stun everyone from above. I just forgot to mount the broom first."

Ginny let out a small laugh. "Oh well, it's nice to know that even the great Harry Potter can still make mistakes like the rest of us."

Harry grinned as he blushed, embarrassed by his rash actions. "I had my angel watching over me, so I knew I had nothing to worry about."

Ginny grimaced as she shook her head. "Ew, that's a bit soppy don't you think?"

Harry chuckled as the sound of footsteps came from the corridor which led to the kitchen.

Arthur and Kingsley stepped into the kitchen, followed by a third man who left an astonished Harry and Ginny sitting mutely at the table.

"Gawain, dear, how are you?" asked Molly, as she was finally distracted from trying to make lunch.

"I'm getting there, Molly," said Gawain. "Some parts of me are still a bit tender, but I should be as good as new soon enough."

Molly looked pleased. "So, you haven't let my husband drag you back to work too soon have you?"

"No, Molly, I insisted that they let me help," replied Gawain seriously as he made his way to the table and sat down, his movements still a little stiff.

Arthur, Molly, and Kingsley also sat down at the table, the atmosphere changing rapidly to one of anxiety, as the pleasant mood of the morning evaporated.

"Right, Harry," said Gawain. "We have watched your memory of the attack, and I feel the need to make a few comments. First of all, I admired your improvisation when it came to getting out of the house. Secondly, I would like to show my Aurors your memory of that jump from the window. It would allow them to see a perfect example of how not to exit a building during a fight, and give them a good laugh at the same time. You were just lucky Ginny was there to save your hide."

Harry grinned at Gawain, taking the gibe in good humour.

"Thirdly, I have a question for you. How, in the name of Merlin's beard, did you stop yourself from taking down Draco Malfoy?"

Harry blinked at that. "I'm not sure actually. My first instinct was to stun him, but he wasn't facing me so I hesitated."

Gawain grunted. "Well, it certainly is an interesting development."

"I'll say," said Kingsley. "From what your recollections show, Harry, it was Draco that fired those sparks from under your window. I think he was trying to warn you after he had knocked out one of his own men."

Harry was still having trouble accepting that Draco had tried to help him put the fire out. Now it was clear that he had also tried to warn those inside the Burrow that an attack was imminent.

"Do you think it could be a ploy?" asked Harry, his faith in Draco Malfoy non-existent.

Gawain shrugged. "That is always a possibility, but given what else we've learnt already, I'd say Draco's actions were genuine."

Harry's brow furrowed as he thought about Draco and what he had done. He looked at Ginny and saw that she was also deep in concentration.

"What else did you learn from the men you caught?" asked Harry, bringing his gaze back to Kingsley.

Kingsley sat forward slightly as he answered. "We have learnt where Lucius and his group have been staying, of course. A raid was carried out by Gawain's team earlier today, which turned up something very worrying, and also very encouraging."

"Would you care to explain that?" asked Harry with a raised eyebrow.

"Arthur, show him the photograph," said Kingsley.

Arthur Weasley pulled a photograph out from under his robes and handed it to Harry. Harry looked at the picture as Ginny leaned over his shoulder, straining his eyes as he tried to decipher the blurred image. Harry was stunned once he was able to read the message.

 Four of us remain. Mole in the ministry. DM

"These words were burnt into the floor behind a sofa prior to the departure of the Malfoys."

 "Who's the mole?" asked Harry, alarmed at the possibility they may have been betrayed by someone from within the Ministry.

Kingsley sighed heavily. "We don't know yet. But it is safe to assume that the information they provided to the Malfoys is what allowed them to get passed the wards surrounding the Burrow."

Harry was puzzled. "If the wards were down, why couldn't I apparate from inside the house?"

"You misunderstand, Harry," said Kingsley. "The wards weren't down, even the Aurors couldn't get through them, but the Malfoys knew how to get passed them. The information surrounding the security arrangements for the Burrow is not widely known, so it limits our suspect pool significantly if this mole truly exists, which I'm afraid to say they probably do."

"So what's so encouraging about it then?" asked Ginny.

"We know that Draco is really working against his father; we know that their group only numbers four people now; and we know that we have a traitor working in the Ministry. This is a lot more information than we had yesterday," explained Kingsley.

Harry and Ginny both nodded their understanding.

"What happens now?" asked Harry.

"Well," began Kingsley, "Arthur will be heading up a team trying to identify the mole, while Gawain will be returning to Hogwarts with you to continue your Auror training while you complete your studies."

Gawain inclined his head towards Harry and Ginny.

Kingsley continued. "On that subject, I may have a job for you, Harry."

"What kind of job?" asked Harry cautiously, hoping this wasn't going to be another attempt to persuade him to leave his current teaching duties.

"I would like you to accompany the Auror team when they go to apprehend Lucius and his followers," said Kingsley calmly, watching the startled expression on Harry's face be quickly replaced by one of determination.

"That would be my pleasure," said Harry darkly.

"Draco appears to trust you for some reason, Harry," continued Kingsley. "And I would wager that trust has risen significantly seeing as you didn't stun him last night. If the situation comes to a head, you may be able to negotiate with Draco if needs be."

Harry understood what Kingsley was saying. "What about Ginny and Ron?"

As he sat beside Kingsley, Gawain cast a glance at the Minister and tried not to smile as a sudden tension filled the room. Kingsley had warned him before he had been sent to Hogwarts, not to come between Harry and Ginny. Now he watched to see how the Minister would try and avoid falling into the very trap he had warned against.

Kingsley regarded Harry carefully. "That will depend on the situation at the time, Harry. I'm sorry, but I cannot guarantee anything at this stage, and you must remember that the three of you are still civilians. I will not needlessly risk your lives if I don't have to."

While Ginny looked downcast as she stared at the Minister, Harry glared briefly at Kingsley before he reluctantly agreed.

"I understand your reasons, Kingsley, but I think they have earned the right to see this through to the end. First the attack at King's Cross, and now this."

Kingsley smiled sadly. "I take your point, Harry; I'll see what I can do."

Gawain breathed again as he felt the tension lift, Ginny and Harry both looking satisfied with Kinsley's assurance.

"Lunch is ready, Master Harry," said Kreacher from beside Harry's leg, causing the whole group to jump in their seats.

"Oh, thanks, Kreacher," said Harry, looking down at the old elf. "Would you like to join us?"

Kreacher smiled as his eyes sparkled. "If it is permitted, Master, I would be honoured."

Harry returned Kreacher's smile. "Anytime, my friend."

As lunch was enjoyed by the group, Gawain and Kingsley sat riveted as they watched the little house-elf help himself to a huge plate of food, humming a happy tune and grinning at Harry.



The next morning brought the arrival of Ron and Hermione to Grimmauld Place. Harry was feeling uneasy about the atmosphere within Grimmauld Place, as both Ron and Hermione appeared to be taking the attack on the Burrow in their stride, without showing any emotional distress. Instead, they were both just happy to be out of St Mungo's after facing a day of the press trying to get to them.

As Harry sat in the formal living room with his friends, it occurred to him that even he wasn't that distressed about the attack. He was certainly angered by it, but not distressed. Perhaps it was only because nobody died, not even one of the attackers, which left him and the others strangely unaffected this time. Harry just hoped his feelings about the attack on the Burrow were not a sign that he was becoming unaffected by, or numb to, the violence that plagued his life.

Harry pushed the troubling thoughts from his mind as he tried to enjoy the last few days of the holidays. Later today they would be returning to the Burrow to retrieve their personal items which had survived the fire and water, and then Harry would know what things he still needed to purchase before returning to Hogwarts. He just hoped his trunk had survived, as all of his most treasured possessions were kept inside it.

Harry didn't hear Ginny's question as his mind was miles away.

"Harry, did you hear me?"

Harry focussed on Ginny, a baffled expression on his face. "Uh... sorry, Gin. What did you say?"

"I was asking where you got the wand you had when you arrived at St Mungo's. It wasn't yours, was it?"

"Actually, it is mine. I have two wands," answered Harry.

Ginny looked surprised. "Why do you have two wands?"

"Well...," said Harry, not really sure how to explain this. He had not told anybody about the Elder wand. Only Ron and Hermione knew of it, and they were both under the impression he had been going to return it to Dumbledore's tomb.

"Harry," began Hermione from across the room, "you don't still have... you know... it, do you?"

Harry nodded and saw Hermione and Ron glance at each other.

"I thought you were going to put it back," said Ron.

Harry sighed. "I was, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet. I don't know why, I hadn't used it before the attack, but it I just can't seem to give it up."

Hermione gave Harry a sympathetic look. "You had better make sure nobody finds out what it is, Harry, or you'll be attacked by every power hungry fool who thinks the wand will fulfil their ambitions."

"I wasn't planning on advertising the fact I have it in my possession, Hermione," protested Harry.

"I know that, Harry, but you need to be careful."

Ginny could no longer contain herself. "Would somebody please tell me what you are all talking about?"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all looked at each other, before Harry turned his gaze to Ginny.

"It's very complicated, Ginny, and it's something you can never repeat."

Ginny nodded her understanding, and was then left gobsmacked as she listened to the tale of the Deathly Hallows. After five minutes Ginny was sitting on a sofa, stunned by what she had heard.

"Maybe you should get rid of it, Harry. We don't need to give any more people a reason to attack you," said Ginny, concern on her face.

"You're probably right, Gin," agreed Harry. "I'll put it back in Dumbledore's tomb after we return to Hogwarts."

The conversation continued on for a little while until Harry remembered something. He stood up from the living room floor and apologised as he headed to the kitchen, informing the others that he was going to write a letter to Dudley Dursley letting him know he was alright, as Dudley had probably seen the Daily Prophet reports about the attack on the Burrow by now.



The Burrow looked like a dragon had been let loose inside. The bottom floor had been completely devastated by fire, and scorch marks ran up the sides of the house all the way to the third floor. Harry was staggered by the amount of damage which had occurred in only several short minutes.

To Molly's irritation, Arthur's shed and car had both remained completely untouched during the attack. Arthur had ducked into his shed when they arrived and now reappeared with a ladder in his hands. Arthur had wandered into the house and placed the ladder where the stairs used to be, and told Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione to head upstairs and retrieve their belongings.

Harry and Ginny had entered their room and found that while the fire hadn't damaged their possessions, the smell of the smoke and ash permeated everything. Harry sighed as he realised he was going to spend the rest of his holiday washing the smell out of his clothes. Ginny's trunk was also intact, so after a quick trip up to Ron's room to retrieve Harry's trunk, the couple made their way back outside to wait for the others.

Once Ron and Hermione had joined them, they all took the opportunity to quickly make their way to the site of Harry and Ginny's house. Ron had again remarked that it was a bit too close to the Burrow for him, but he had failed to notice Hermione looking wistfully at the fields in the distance.

When they arrived back at the partially burnt out Burrow, Arthur and Molly were waiting for them, Molly clearly distressed by the destruction of her home. Ginny and Ron had both gone to comfort their mother, while Harry leaned over to Arthur and whispered to him.

"Is Molly going to be alright?"

Arthur gave Harry a small sad smile. "Most of her memories of Fred were in that house," he explained sadly, "and we also lost the clock to the fire."

Harry was suddenly struck by an urge to strike out at Lucius Malfoy. The actions of Lucius Malfoy and his followers had taken precious things from the only mother he had every really known, and he took deep breaths to calm himself before he made any foolish comments about revenge.

As the group walked slowly back to the boundary of the property, Harry and Ginny had lagged behind as they talked quietly under their breath. Before they had reached the boundary, the decision had been made. They would have the team that was due to start building their house shortly, transferred to rebuild the Burrow. Harry and Ginny could happily wait a little longer, as they would be at Hogwarts for the next six months anyway.



The following morning found Arthur, Kingsley, and Gawain sitting in the Minister's office as they discussed how they should go about uncovering the identity of the mole within the Ministry.

"How many people had access to the information regarding the security arrangements for your house, Arthur?" asked Gawain.

Arthur grimaced. "Twenty two, according to my people."

"That many!" exclaimed Gawain, not expecting a figure anywhere near that high.

Arthur nodded. "Before the fall of Voldemort, it would only have been three people, maybe four, with that knowledge. Now, not as much emphasis is being put on secrecy because people didn't think we had anything to fear; especially not from somebody inside the Ministry."

Kingsley was not pleased by this development. "Right, the first thing we need to do is reset all the security arrangements we have in place against any other property we are protecting, and we make sure no more than three people know the details of each individual location."

Arthur nodded his agreement as Kingsley continued. "We had better start with Grimmauld Place and your family's homes, Arthur. They remain the most likely targets of any attempt by Lucius or other Death Eaters to strike at." Kingsley shifted his gaze to Gawain. "I also want to see the security plans for the Hogwarts Express by the end of the day. We will need to ensure protection is provided at King's Cross, the Hogwarts Station, and of course while on route."

Gawain smiled at Kingsley. "You can have those plans now if you would prefer, Kingsley. My team began working on those issues the day after the King's Cross attack. I think you will find our arrangements are satisfactory, but once again I will need to borrow some of the Magical Law Enforcement agents."

"Take whoever you need," offered Arthur.

Gawain gave Arthur a look of gratitude. They were now dangerously shorthanded in the Auror office, and the Dumbledore's Army recruits were desperately needed. In fact, the Aurors were already looking into ways they could speed up the training for Harry and his friends, as any more loses would cripple the effectiveness of the Aurors office.

"How do you wish to proceed in identifying the traitor in our midst, Arthur?" asked Kingsley.

Arthur sighed loudly. "Initially we will be looking into the backgrounds of our suspects, but I'm afraid I will have to start having these people followed," said Arthur reluctantly. "But I don't have enough staff to follow everybody at once. We will have to start with the most likely possibilities first, such as those who were suspected of supporting Voldemort, or anybody who may have lost a higher ranked job after the previous administrations downfall, or who may have had close ties to the Malfoys"

"We have done some checking already," continued Arthur, "but we haven't found any evidence of anybody openly expressing a desire for revenge, against either Harry or my family. Of course, this is not really surprising, but it would have been nice if something could have been easy for a change."

Kingsley and Gawain grunted at Arthur's words. It never seemed to be easy when it came to battling the dark arts and its proponents.

"Maybe you should have the least likely suspects followed first," suggested Gawain. "Whoever the mole is, they are somebody who we thought was above suspicion."

Arthur considered this for a moment. "You may have a point. I have enough people to follow half of our suspect pool at any one time, and I'm only using agents who didn't know about the security arrangements of the Burrow. I'll divide them up and have the five most likely and the five least likely suspects followed first. Of course, the mole may just lie low now, as the information they provided Lucius has already been used. If they don't hold any other valuable information, they might just break all contact with Lucius."

"That's possible," said Kingsley, "but whoever it is has betrayed your family and Harry to what they must have thought would be your deaths. That kind of anger doesn't just fade away after one failure. I think they will try and provide Lucius with any other information they can, assuming they haven't already."

Kingsley's thoughts had a sobering effect on Arthur and Gawain. The three men spent the next two hours combing through the list of potential traitors, coming up with a list of priority targets for Arthur's team to start following.



Meanwhile, two floors above, the mole retained a passive face as he moved throughout the floor, performing his regular duties diligently as he turned various ideas over within his head. Harry Potter and Arthur Weasley had eluded him for now, but Lucius remained free to strike again, if a hole could be found in Harry Potter's defence.

He knew his task would be infinitely more difficult now, and he also knew he would appear on a list of suspects who had access to the information regarding the wards protecting the Weasley home. He knew the pool of suspects was large enough to create enough doubt to keep him out of immediate danger of arrest, but his time was short, and his connection to Lucius Malfoy wouldn't stay buried forever.

There was no going back for him now. He would make one last attempt to assist Lucius, and then he would run.



The next two days passed without incident for Harry and Ginny, including a very subdued New Years Eve party held within Grimmauld Place with Ron and Hermione. The return to Hogwarts was only a day away and Harry was beginning to feel very nervous about how he would be received upon his arrival at King's Cross.

He wondered if people would still see him as a saviour, now that he had taken lives to defend others. He had discussed his fears with Ginny when they were together in bed at night, and she had tried to reassure him that the other students would understand why the actions he had taken had been necessary.

Now Harry lay curled up with Ginny on a sofa in the living room, trying to make sure his growing apprehension didn't show too obviously, while Ginny became increasingly worried about Harry's nervous state.

Ginny hoped that Harry could get through this night, and she hoped he would be able to relax once he arrived at King's Cross Station tomorrow. She was sure that most people were going to thank Harry, Seamus, and Lavender, for their actions on the platform, rather than accuse them of any inappropriate actions in their defence of everyone.

As the night had come to an end, Harry and Ginny had packed their trunks, ready for the following morning's departure, before they had climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep, Harry plagued by nightmares for the first time since he had returned to Grimmauld Place.



The security arrangements were evident the moment they passed through the barrier and found themselves on platform 9 and ¾. The first thing Harry saw was a man staring at him intently, a wand in his hand and a very serious expression on his face. Harry saw that the man was wearing the robes of an Auror as the man continued to watch him. Harry gave the Auror a small wave as he pushed his trolley towards the train, receiving a nod of the head in return from the man.

Harry thought the brooding Auror at the barrier may have been a little too overt, but once he could see the whole platform he noticed that an Auror or Magical Law Enforcement agent was stationed every few metres down the platform.

Harry thought this might have been overdoing it, but he guessed the intent was to show the public that a repeat of the King's Cross attack would not be permitted. Harry came to a halt as he saw the wall of reporters waiting to one side, feeling a sharp pain up the back of his legs as Ron's trolley ploughed into the back of him.

"You alright, mate?" asked Ron, keeping his eyes on the crowd as he felt his own nervousness start to kick in.

Harry mumbled something as Ginny put her arm around him. Molly and Arthur came through the barrier behind them and quickly made their way to the head of the group.

"Alright, dears, we'll say our goodbyes now before the reporters spot you," said Molly brightly.

Ginny and Harry gave Molly and Arthur a hug, and then waited as Ron and Hermione did the same.

"Everybody follow me," ordered Molly, as she turned and began to march directly towards the Hogwarts Express.

The reporters had now noticed that Harry was in their midst, and the group moved forward as if they were one big many limbed creature. The volume on the platform rose sharply as people became aware of Harry, and they all turned to watch him with interest.

To Harry's surprise he was receiving many smiles from the other students, instead of the glares or looks of fear that he had envisaged. Harry had started to return his fellow students smiles until the sound of Rita Skeeter's voice pierced the din which surrounded him.

"Oh, Harry, a minute of your time if...," began Rita as she leered at Harry.

Harry was just beginning to brace himself for whatever vicious barb had occurred to Rita Skeeter, when a flash of light, followed by a loud 'crack', left Rita slumped on the ground, her Quik Quotes Quill clattering onto the brickwork beside her.

Molly returned her wand to somewhere under her robes. "Not today," she hissed at the prone figure of Rita as she passed.

Harry and Ginny kept walking behind Molly and Arthur, both of them trying not to laugh as Arthur started to admonish Molly for her actions.

"I should arrest you for that, Molly," said an exasperated Arthur. "That was an unprovoked attack in front of numerous witnesses."

Molly merely smiled sweetly at her husband. "It was hardly unprovoked; she's had that coming for years, and I wasn't about to let her upset Harry just for her own amusement. Besides, if you were to question witnesses, I think you would find people's memories are a little hazy regarding the incident"

Arthur sighed, as he knew there was no point in arguing with Molly. "At least make sure the next time you do something like that, you are not standing next to the Deputy Head of the Magical Law Enforcement division."

"Yes, dear," said Molly, as they reached the train.

After their luggage was stowed away, Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione boarded the train and made their way into the brand new Prefect's carriage. Harry noticed that little, if any, of the décor was different from the previous carriages furnishings, but a certain tension filled the air. Harry hoped it would pass once the train pulled away from the platform.

The other Prefects who were already waiting in the carriage greeted Harry and the others warmly, leaving Harry feeling relieved as he waited the last five minutes for the train to get underway.

Once the train was moving, Ginny had gone to inspect the train, Harry deciding to remain in the Prefect's carriage as he didn't want to create a disturbance while Ginny was trying to do her job. Ginny had returned half an hour later and sat down on Harry's lap, looking slightly frazzled.

"Are you okay?" asked Harry.

"Yes, I suppose so," said Ginny, exhaling heavily. "Your students asked me to say hello to you for them."

Harry was glad to receive his student's message. "Are they alright? I didn't think to check myself."

"They're fine. Like you said; young children bounce back quickly."

Ginny brushed her hair out of her eyes as she gave Harry a quick kiss.

"You know," said Ginny, "you probably should have come with me anyway. I spent most of my time being asked where you were."

"Sorry, Gin. I'll come with you on the next inspection."

"It's alright," said Ginny reassuringly. "On the plus side, the Slytherins weren't even game to say 'boo' to me. I think maybe they're worried about what you would do to them if they did anything to me."

"Well, that's something at least," said Harry weakly, not entirely sure how he felt about other students fearing him.

Ginny saw the worry behind Harry's eyes. "Don't worry; I'm sure everything will return to normal after a few days."

Harry smiled but there was no conviction behind it. He hoped Ginny was right, but only time would tell.



Minerva McGonagall surveyed her students carefully, trying to determine if their good mood was genuine, or feigned for her benefit.

Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione stood in front of the Headmistresses desk in her office, waiting to hear the reason they had been called to this office the moment they had arrived at the castle.

"We need to discuss the arrangements for your final term here at Hogwarts," said Minerva seriously.

"What arrangements are those?" asked Harry.

"The arrangements for your safety of course," said Minerva impatiently. "Since you left Hogwarts for the holidays you have been attacked twice, and you in particular, Harry, may now face a backlash from the friends of Pansy Parkinson following her death."

Harry's good mood instantly evaporated as he glanced at Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. He saw that their faces had also fallen as they considered Minerva's words.

When Harry had disembarked from the Hogwarts Express two hours ago, he had been surprised by the good natured greetings he had received, and his fears of how he would be received upon his return had seemed baseless as he had watched Seamus Finnigan and Lavender Brown be surrounded and congratulated by the other students for their part in ending the King's Cross Station attack. Now he felt his anxiety return as he looked at Minerva.

"Has there been another threat made?" asked Harry.

Minerva shook her head. "Nothing as of yet, Harry, but I believe prudence would be wise at this time, at least until the Malfoys have been apprehended."

Harry nodded his understanding as he saw Minerva's expression soften.

"Kingsley has made me aware of the possibility you may be asked to accompany the Aurors when they go to apprehend the Malfoys. He will update me regularly on their progress, so we should only have to be concerned about your safety within the castle."

"Thanks to you, Harry, a copy of the Marauder's Map is now in the possession of every professor at the school, so we will be able to keep a close eye out for anybody who may start to show too much interest in your movements around the castle. If we notice anything unusual we will inform you, and you may feel free to have your house-elf keep an eye on them for you, but he is not to be seen this time."

Harry and Ginny shared a grin as they averted their eyes from Minerva.

Minerva looked at her four students. "However, in the interest of your safety, I must ask you all to return to the student dormitories for the time being. Your current rooms are rather isolated and may allow a potential attacker a better chance to strike; as we saw last year."

Minerva struggled not to laugh as she saw the looks of horror on the faces of her students. She knew they would not want to move, but that was no reason to deny herself a little joke at their expense. She held up her hands to prevent the protests she was sure she was about to be subjected to.

"Relax, all of you," said Minerva, her face turning red as laughter threatened to overcome her. "You can stay in your quarters. It was just my little joke."

Harry glared at his Headmistress for a moment, before he heard the sound of muffled laughter coming from several of the portraits hanging throughout the office.

"That wasn't very funny," said Harry indignantly, receiving a chorus of agreement from Ginny, Ron, and Hermione.

Minerva's eyes watered as she fought to contain herself.

"I'm sorry," said Minerva, starting to shake. "I know that wasn't appropriate, but the looks on your faces will stay with me for years."

Harry began to chuckle softly, finding Minerva's delight infectious. Soon Ginny, Ron, and Hermione joined him.

Minerva finally pulled herself together. "You had all better go and get ready for the start of term feast. There will be some announcements that should interest you tonight."

"What kind of announcements?" asked Hermione cautiously.

"The usual," said a smiling Minerva. "Singing your praises and generally embarrassing you all."

"Wonderful," grumbled Ron. "Why do I have to be praised?"

Minerva raised an eyebrow at Ron. "Because if my sources are correct, you saved the lives of several of your classmates, including Hermione's, during the attack on the Hogwarts Express."

Harry's head snapped up to face Ron, his shock evident on his face. Ron was blushing furiously as he looked at the floor, while Hermione beamed at him. Harry was again reminded that he had never asked Ron what had happened in the Prefect's carriage during the King's Cross attack. Before Harry could say anything, Ginny spoke to her brother.

"Ron, what did you do on the train?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Nothing really," mumbled Ron.

Hermione turned and looked at Harry and Ginny. "Most of us froze when the attack started, but Ron started pushing us all down to the floor. The worst of the spells went over our heads."

Ron shook his head slowly. "It wasn't quite like that. I froze up as well, until Alicia shouted at me to get down. She's the one that saved us."

Hermione put her arm around Ron. "I didn't hear Alicia, Ron, I heard you. You're the one who pushed me down, and the others who were nearby. Then you tried to shield me from the attack."

Harry could see a tear in Hermione's eye as she looked up at Ron, placing her hand on his cheek.

Ron gave Hermione a lopsided grin. "I pushed you into a table, 'Mione."

Hermione smiled at Ron. "A bump on the head was a small price to pay to get out of there alive."

Harry and Ginny stood silently as they listened to Ron and Hermione. A sense of regret flowed through Harry as he thought about what his best friend had done. Ron had been a hero, but it was never reported, meanwhile his every move was splashed across the front page of the paper.

"Why didn't you tell us?" asked Ginny, interrupting Harry's thoughts

Ron shrugged. "I didn't want anyone to make a big deal about it. If it hadn't been for Alicia, I wouldn't have moved either. I'd rather people just remember that she saved us."

Harry regarded Ron for a moment. He had never thought of his friend as the reluctant hero type before, but Ron evidently didn't want to be singled out as he thought the praise should be bestowed on Alicia. Ron appeared to have taken Alicia's death harder than Harry had realised. Harry looked back down at Minerva seated behind her desk.

"Will there be a memorial for those who died during the King's Cross attack?"

"Indeed there will be," answered Minerva. "A plaque is going to be installed at King's Cross Station."

Harry saw Ron nod grimly as Hermione held on to him, and Harry understood that his relationship with Ron had changed. While they remained best friends, their deepest feelings were no longer shared with each other, but instead, they were shared with the women they loved.



 As Harry and the other students at Hogwarts prepared for a feast, Draco found himself back in the last place he had ever expected to see again.

The desolate old warehouse was still just as cold as it had been three weeks ago, and now he found himself once again sitting on the hard cold floor, hunger driving him to distraction as he contemplated how to convince his father to surrender peacefully.

Lucius, however, had become unresponsive as he paced moodily around the warehouse, muttering to himself under his breath. Upon their return to the warehouse, Lucius had declared that it was a perfect place to hide, as the Ministry would never think to check this place again. Draco wasn't entirely convinced of this, but capture by Aurors would now come as a relief to him.



The Great Hall at Hogwarts was full of happily chatting students, all sitting beneath the hovering candles and the moonless sky which was visible through the enchanted ceiling.

Harry and Ginny sat at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Hermione, waiting for Professor McGonagall to make the start of term announcements before the feast began. Ron in particular was looking rather anxious, unsure of what Minerva was going to say about him during the announcements.

Harry, however, had pushed his concerns to one side as he greeted friends and well wishers. As he spoke to Seamus and Lavender, who he noticed were obviously still a couple following the holidays, Kreacher had appeared beside Harry and informed him that he had returned to Hogwarts, before vanishing with a 'crack'.

The muggle born class had come to Harry and Ginny, excitedly greeting their teachers before heading off to their respective house tables. Harry had been glad to see that Vicky, Jack, and Alex had not shown any hesitation around him, despite what they had seen at the King's Cross Station.

As the noise in the Great Hall dropped off, Harry turned his gaze towards the staff table and saw that Professor McGonagall had made her way to the podium and was now holding her hands up, calling for everybody's attention.

"Good evening, boys and girls," began Professor McGonagall, her tone neutral. "Welcome back to Hogwarts."

A light smattering of applause died off quickly, and Harry looked around the hall, seeing apprehension start to creep onto the faces of the students. This was not going to be like the joyous celebration which had occurred in September.

"I know you are all looking forward to the feast which will begin shortly, but a few announcements must be made first so I would appreciate your undivided attention for the next few minutes," said Minerva, her familiar stern voice emerging as she continued.

"As you are aware, three of your fellow students were killed during the attack on the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross Station two weeks ago. I know many of you were friends with these students. If you wish to talk about what happened, I want you all to know that the staff and myself are always available."

"Those students, along with Alicia O'Riley, will be honoured by the Ministry in a ceremony to be held later this month. Transportation arrangements will be made for anybody who wishes to attend the ceremony, so please let Mr Filch know if it is your desire to attend."

The silence in the Great Hall was broken by the occasional sniffle as emotion overcame some students. Harry looked at Ron and saw his bottom lip trembling as he struggled to hold himself together.

"With regards to the King's Cross attack, I would also like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of those who brought about an end to the situation." Professor McGonagall's eyes scanned the hall, her expression remaining impassive.

"We offer our gratitude to those members of Dumbledore's Army who stood guard following the evacuation of the train."

Professor McGonagall raised her glass, the students following her example before applauding the Dumbledore's Army members.

"To Max and Mary Dearborn, Victoria-Anne Bennington, Jackson Jacobs, and Alexander Price, we applaud your attempt to rescue your teacher from harm's way. Your courage and loyalty are a shining example to us all, and you have my admiration for your efforts."

As Professor McGonagall again raised her glass in salute of the students, Harry and Ginny both grinned as they saw the embarrassed looks on the faces of their students seated throughout the hall. Once the applause had quietened down, Professor McGonagall continued.

"Mr Ronald Weasley," said Professor McGonagall. "His actions within the Prefect's carriage during the attack saved many lives, and while he attributes his actions to the example set by Alicia O'Riley, we also choose to commend Ron for his selfless acts of bravery."

Harry and Ron looked at each other, Harry smiling as he raised his glass to Ron, while Ron blushed and lowered his eyes to the table. Harry noticed a number of the older students who were Prefects had stood to acknowledge Ron, as Hermione gave Ron a kiss on the cheek.

Professor McGonagall again waited for quiet before she moved on.

"And finally, to Harry Potter, Lavender Brown, and Seamus Finnigan, whose direct intervention brought about the end of the attack on the train, and the attack against one of their fellow students."

Seamus and Lavender received the thanks and congratulations of those nearby them, and Harry also noticed many people looking intently at him as they applauded. As the applause started to fade away, a rasping voice cut through the hall.

"Why are you thanking Potter, he killed Pansy?" came the voice from the end of the Slytherin table, as a tall young man stood up, pointing his finger accusingly in Harry's direction.

Harry felt his pulse quicken as a shocked murmuring spread across the hall. He instinctively checked that his wand was within easy reach as Ginny held on to his arm. Harry glanced at Ginny and tried to give her a small reassuring smile, letting her know that he was okay, but his heart wasn't in it and Ginny wasn't fooled for a second.

"Don't listen to him, Harry," whispered Ginny, Ron nodding in agreement with his sister's advice.

When Professor McGonagall spoke again, Harry was startled by the force behind her voice.

"Sit down, Mr Klein, before you say something you may truly regret."

The Slytherin student glared at Professor McGonagall for a second, before he continued.

"But he killed her," insisted the young man.

Professor McGonagall was incensed. "Sit down or leave this hall, Mr Klein. I won't tell you again."

The young man sat down slowly, defiance still etched across his face.

"I will say this only once," said Professor McGonagall coldly. "Pansy Parkinson decided to attack and torture another student, as well as inflicting serious injuries on those who tried to stop her. She paid dearly for her actions, but she chose her path, forcing Harry Potter to do what was necessary to prevent any further deaths. Harry Potter defended your lives."

Professor McGonagall focussed her fierce glare on the Slytherin table. "Seeing as you have decided to bring this issue out into the light, Mr Klein, I will take this opportunity to inform you of my position on this matter."

The hall was deathly silent for a moment, as all the students focussed on either the older Slytherin students at the end of their house table, or Professor McGonagall, who seemed to have grown in stature as she brought her considerable authority to bear.

"If any of you feel that Miss Parkinson's actions were in any way justified, you would do well to remove yourself from this school immediately. If you support Voldemort, his Death Eaters, or the philosophies and ideals they proposed to rule by... leave this school. If you are contemplating revenge against Harry Potter or any of his family and friends, you should think very carefully about what has happened to all those who have challenged him before."

Harry watched as the older Slytherin students paled under the force of Professor McGonagall's words.

"Those of you who are already suspected of planning to undermine the society we have fought to create, will be under surveillance for the rest of the year. If this is a prospect that bothers you, leave this school and attend another institution. It is unfortunate that the actions of a few have tainted a whole group, but I must put the safety of all students first."

"I want to make this perfectly clear," continued Professor McGonagall, a sombre tone starting to creep into her voice. "While you are all free to hold your own opinions and views, you are not entitled to try and force your views on another person by threat of violence."

"Sedition will not be tolerated inside these walls."

Professor McGonagall looked out over her students for a moment before she turned and made her way back to her chair. The Great Hall remained silent for a while until the sound of clapping from the front of the hall began.

Harry couldn't tell exactly where the applause had started from, but after only a few seconds it didn't matter, as the sound swelled and filled the hall. Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione all exchanged astonished looks with each other. Harry had been taken aback by Professor McGonagalls words, thinking she may have pushed too far, but it appeared that most of the other students had agreed with the Headmistresses tough stand.



The wooden door swung shut behind Harry and Ginny as they entered their room. Harry and Ginny were both glad to find a fire was already crackling in the fireplace, filling the room with a comfortable warmth.

Harry picked up the class schedules from the desk as he made his way towards the sofa in front of the fireplace, before sitting down and sighing loudly as he felt his body start to relax, Ginny joining him as she curled her legs up under herself and leant against Harry's shoulder.

"Are you alright?" asked Ginny.

She regarded Harry with worry as she waited for him to respond. The rest of the feast had passed by pleasantly enough, but she had detected an undercurrent of tension in Harry that he had tried very hard to conceal. He had talked and laughed with their friends and his students until the feast had ended, but Ginny had seen him constantly glance towards the end of the Slytherin table.

"I think so, Gin," said Harry. "For some reason I still feel nervous."

Harry shrugged as Ginny gave him a sympathetic look. "Well, just six months to go and we'll be gone from this place," remarked Ginny.

Harry looked at Ginny. "You won't miss it, will you?"

Ginny shook her head. "Not really. Hogwarts is okay, but it's just a school to me. Our house is where I really want to be."

Harry smiled as he kissed Ginny's forehead. "Me too, Gin, me too."

They held each other gently for a few minutes, letting the warmth from the fire roll over them, and enjoying the feel of each other without any other distractions. Their holiday had not been the relaxing experience they had hoped for.

They broke apart and Ginny made her way back to the desk and picked up her own schedule, before making her way back to her position beside Harry on the sofa.

"I've only got Herbology tomorrow," said Ginny, suddenly pleased as she considered the easy day ahead.

After her hectic holiday, Ginny realised that returning to school was her best chance to have the relaxing break with Harry that she wanted.

Harry checked his own schedule and noticed that he didn't have Potions until the day after tomorrow, followed by a double Defence Against the Dark Arts, which would be an Auror training class with Gawain.

"Are you teaching tomorrow?" asked Ginny as she looked at the second schedule lying in Harry's lap.

Harry picked up the piece of parchment and read it quickly. "Yep, I've got two lessons with the kids; one in the morning and one after lunch."

Ginny smiled. "That should be fun. Make sure Max doesn't show his scar to everyone too often. The girls will get bored and lose interest if they see it all the time."

Harry grinned. "Are you bored with my scars yet?"

"No, not yet," sighed Ginny. "But you needn't worry; your eyes will always captivate me, even if your scars don't."

Harry feigned indignation. "So your attraction to me is purely physical is it?"

"Well, not entirely," said Ginny, the light in her eyes dancing playfully. "There's also the fame, and of course, the money."

Harry chuckled softly as Ginny ran her hand across his chest. As she leant over to kiss his neck, she whispered longingly in his ear.

"But mostly it's your beautiful soul."

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