The Life and Death of a Hamster (warning: sad)

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One day, a young girl named Autumn went to a toy shop to buy Christmas presents for her friends. She found some stuffies, they were all lovely. She got one friend a duck stuffy, another friend a hamster stuffy, and another friend she got a kitten stuffy, and finally she got her cat a catnip toy. She had the toy place wrap them for her, with a little bow and everything. perfect! She brought the presents home.

The next day, Autumn brought the presents to her friends houses. They each traded presents, ready for the awesome Christmassy surprise they would all get upon opening their presents!

Skip ahead to Christmas morning, Autumn opened her presents. She got iTunes money from her friends! Just what she wanted! She would put it into her iTunes account once she was done opening the rest of her presents. Afterwards, she got phone calls from all her friends saying thank you for the presents, she said thank you back to them, but then she got a phone call from the friend she had given the hamster stuffy.

"Hey An, whats up?" The Autumn asked "thank you for the iTunes money" she added.
"I opened my present, Autumn... I'm sorry, but.. It was dead" Anna replied.
"What?" Autumn asked, confused.
"The hamster, autumn. You IDIOT! Why on earth would you wrap up a LIVE hamster? It must have starved or someth-"
"WHAT?! It was a hamster STUFFY!" Autumn exclaimed.
"Oh.. No, it was not. How.. How did you accidentally give me a real hamster? I just.. I don't get it" Anna said
"It was with all the stuffies.. Oh Anna I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to." Autumn replied

"I just feel sorry for that hamster. Where did it come from? What did it go through? ...That poor hamster."
Said Anna.


The hamster ran faster and faster through the rainy streets, having escaped the pet store it was determined to make it somewhere safe. Ah, who am I kidding, this hamster was terrified. Running along in the shadows on the edge of the sidewalk, to get any shelter ,under the edge of roofs, from the torrential rain.
Then the hamster saw it. An open door. A human was going into one of the buildings, a toy store by the smell of it. The hamster ran in as fast as its tired little hamster legs could carry it. It looked around for something, somewhere it could hide. The first things it eyes fell upon was a shelf covered in stuffies. There is where the hamster would seek refuge for the next few hours.

It's fur completely dry, the hamster sits snuggled in comfortably amongst the stuffies. Sometimes, people come in and take some of the comfy stuffy friends. Humans are weird. The hamster snuggles for the rest of the day until the unthinkable happens: one of the humans picks up the hamster. No no no! They must think I'm a stuffy hamster! The hamster holds completely still, and generally acts quite stuffy-like. But it just gets worse, as the hamster, terrified, gets put on a table and wrapped in some kind of paper. It can feel it's moving, but it can't see. Where is it going? It doesn't know. It's a hamster.

Eventually, the moving stops. Finally, the human isn't walking anymore. The hamster reaches around, trying to bite through the paper.. But it can't quite reach! There seems to be something tying it down on the outside of the paper... So the hamster sits still and waits to be freed. Surely the humans wouldn't leave it here forever... Right? But after a few hours,the hamster looses hope of this simple idea. It sure is hard to breathe in the paper.. Struggling off and on to free itself, getting desperate, hungry, restless.

Days go by, it seems. No release from the awful paper. Nothing. He hamster grows weaker every day, hungrier and hungrier. Weaker and weaker until there was nothing left.

The hamster knew the risks when it left the pet store, and the hamster knew this was one of the possibilities. It had not never in a thousand years guessed that being confused for a stuffy and wrapped in paper until it starves would be its downfall. When the paper was finally opened on Christmas Day, all that was found was the body of the young, unfortunate hamster.

"Autumn... I'm sorry"


Hi umm I'm sorry for making such a sad story 😅 I just kinda.. I dunno.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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