The Hogwarts Express

Start from the beginning

"Not that different from usual." Harry muttered happily.

"So this it?"

It was together that they looked up the two platforms around them before they raced together towards the barrier between the platforms and appeared on the other side of the wall. Platform Nine and Three Quarters stretched before them; the scarlet train stood proudly against the platform, dark smoke billowing out of its funnel. The space of the platform was crowded with children of various ages rushing around, pushing trolleys and bidding farewell to their parents. Pets of all sorts mingled with the humans of the platform, causing destruction as the owners chased after toads and mice. Owls and cats sat respectfully in their cages, eyes watching the others. Parents dropped final kisses upon the heads of their loved ones, their eyes glancing up multiple times to the clock above the platform to ensure their children didn't miss the train. The whole platform was a mess, but a positive mess and the organisation of students, parents and pets just appeared to work.

Tears pricked Harry's eyes as his gaze filtered around the platform, alighting on the various students and their families and he realised this was the first year he would have at Hogwarts without Hedwig - his family. He stared at a snowy white owl that was in possession of a younger student, emotions overwhelming him for a few moments before he shook the thoughts from his head and looked up at the clock above the platform. It read 10.55 and he knew they would only have 5 minutes before the train and he hurried to get ready to board.

At least he tried to before the whole platform burst into applause. The appearance of the Golden Trio was a miraculous thing after what they'd done in their previous year and everyone was amazed to see them arriving to complete their final year at Hogwarts.

The personalities of the trio were obvious from their reactions to the celebration. Hermione looked around nervous about all the attention they were receiving as people rushed up to them from all sides. Whereas Ron welcomed the attention eagerly signing scraps of paper and even receiving kisses off many of the girls that they barely knew. Harry was used to attention however and managed to sign autographs and keep the crowds at bay long enough to move closer to the train. If they didn't hurry, they would miss it and Harry did not feel like starting the year on that note.


The three friends and another of the Weasley siblings found their way onto the train just as the clock hit 11 o'clock and moved quickly down the crowded corridors in search of an empty compartment. Children of all ages hung from windows and waved wildly to family members still on the platform, seemingly ignorant of everything else, but as soon as Harry and his friends arrived many were turning to bid him a greeting.

"Hi Harry" chimed a pair of blondes who looked younger even than Colin had been. Another girl threw her arms around Ron's neck to pull him into a deep hug much to his surprise and Harry was collared by another male desperate to shake his hand and introduce himself with a "Ryan Dennis, it's a pleasure to meet you Potter."

It was a slow moving process but eventually the train juddered into motion and Harry found what must have been the last empty room. They all pushed their way in and Ron slid the door shut behind them before collapsing gratefully onto the empty seat beside Hermione.

"I swear... If anyone asks for another autograph I won't be able to stop myself." Harry exclaimed, running a hand through his messy dark hair in frustration.

Ginny, Ron's younger sister, took a seat beside him and reached out to take his hand on hers. Ginny wasn't just a girlfriend to Harry but she was also a calming presence; Harry's arm slid around her waist, letting her snuggle in against him, and anyone watching could physically see the waves of calmness flooding through his body. His eyes eased lightly, his lids falling shut slightly as he slouched down in the chair.

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