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<------------------------------------------------------- Vote because I haven't put a 'vote' thing for a while :o 

As soon as I had calmed down enough to walk, Draco had helped me get to my feet and slipped the ring into his pocket as we made our way back to the school. The walk back seemed to take a lot longer than the walk there. Just seeing Fred’s face filled with disgust had thrown my moral-compass completely out of control. The one time he comes back to Earth from wherever he is now and he’s faced with me and Draco, a Malfoy and his sworn enemy. The guilt was eating away at me. 

My face burned red and i could still feel the trails that my tears had left as they traced a defined pattern down my face. Puffy red eyes had replaced my normal blue eyes and I don't recall ever feeling this bad for going out with Malfoy. 

Fred's image played perpetually in my mind, allowing me only to think of the pain that I had caused him; that I had caused everyone by agreeing to be Draco's girlfriend. 

How many others had I done this to and not realised? 

How many other resented my decisions when it came to Draco but cared to much about my feelings to say so? 

A sob escaped my lips without my content and Drake froze mid-step as he turned to face me. I was pulled into a hug but I couldn't hold him back, not like I wanted to, not without hurting anyone. 

"Hermione talk to me please," His desperate attempted plea to me, almost broke my silence but as Fred's face arose in my mind once more I choked back the words that threatened to spill from my lips. "What's wrong." 

I hesitated before raising my eyes to his and I saw the pain registered there. The tears that grew in his own eyes as he feared the worst for me; he was scared for me. That made my next decision so hard and so unbearable; but they were necessary. 

"Drake, this is wrong." I whispered betraying everything I had believed for the last 3 months. 

"What's wrong?" 

"We're what's wrong." I took a deep breath as I hit the lowest low I could. "Malfoy, we should have never happened. We weren't meant to happen." 

"Mione, don't do this to me." he begged and I diverted my gaze from his, I couldn't let him see the pain. He would try again and again to make me come back and I couldn't. Not now. "Mione." The way he said my nick name, the way it rolled off his lips and sounded in his soft voice. It was perfect. 

"Can I have the ring please." I held out my hand and a few seconds later, I felt the cold ring touch my palm and then his hand closed around mine. Pulling my hand free, I stepped back. 

"This is it Malfoy, it's over." 

I walked away. 

I turned my back on everything we had, one everything we could have and in one spontaneous moment everything I had was gone. 

That night I lay in my bed, turning the ring over and over in my hand until the one person I trusted at the moment appeared before me. 

"Did I do the right thing?" I asked curiously. He gazed down at me from where he stood and I knew what he was going to say before he did. 

"We find love not only in our friends, but where our heart lies also, no matter where that may be." He took a step backwards before vanishing as easily as he had arrived. 

Turning the ring once more, I brought Fred back to me. He didn't look happy and as we spoke, that much was proved. Eventually though, we got back to the way things were before and I found myself wishing that I could keep the stone forever. 

It wasn't the same as having them here but at least we could see them once again and return them momentarily from Death's harsh grip so that they could stand by us once more.


Yeahhhh,,,, I know it was short but I am still doing my update tomorrow night!!! Think it through, you would have got this really short update tomorrow night, at least this way you still get one tomorrow as well!!! 

Anyway I only updated early because there's this awesome story I read called The Truth is I love you. It's a romance between Fred and Hermione!!! Just wow!! I'm seriously a Dramione fan (hence the story) but this is really good!! If you still want to help me, check it out and comment telling her she has to update it!!!!! 

So sorry for this heart-breaking chapter between Draco and Hermione but I'm updating tomorrow and it's Valentine's Day then ;) Oooooohhhhhhh ;) 

Anyway vote comment and fan and I'll love you forever <3 

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