XXI. Extinct Feelings

Start from the beginning

      He awoke to vivid blue eyes looking down at him.

      And he was hungry.

      His stomach grumbled.

      A laugh made him turn his head towards his beautiful girl.

      That’s right, his.

     “Hungry,” she asked, and Jack nodded enthusiastically. Iana laughed again, shaking her head slightly. She tried to get up, but for some reason she couldn’t.

      Iana looked at him expectantly, and he returned looking at her with a confusing glance.

      “Your arm,” she laughed, pointing at her waist. He then noticed that his arm was wound around her body holding her to him.

      Jack laughed nervously, and released his hold on her. Iana nodded her head towards the door and walked out of it. Jack followed suit, though looking around since he never really had seen the inside of her house.

     Just her room. Which is probably his favorite room right now since it’s where he’ll be able to hold her alone with no one else to interfere.

     They walked down the stairs, and Jack was surprised that the rest of the house wasn’t like Iana’s room. Where her room was bright from the windows and the colors, the rest of the home was either brown or black with little bits of dark blue and white. It was more mix matched and a little messy, with sports magazines and a beer bottle here and there.

     They walked through the living room, where there was well used black furniture that had seen better days but looked more comfortable than those six thousand dollar sofas that are top of the line and would look the best in your home, as those TV commercials Jack had seen said.

     Jack looked around as they entered the small kitchen. There was old appliances from the early this decade. A small four seat table sat at a large window, which showcased the backyard and the woods beyond that. Dishes filled the sink and were piled next to it. You could tell that someone tried to clean them, because the second sink was filled with dish water and the dishwasher was open with it half filled.

       Jack thought that Iana would live in a clean house, with the way she and her room was.

       “Sorry about the mess, I was cleaning before Dad and I went out but didn’t finish. Not enough time.” Iana says, blushing fervently.

       Jack nodded, “do you want me to help you make anything?”

      She shook her head, smiling slightly, “sorry, but when was the last time you used a stove?”


      “Seriously?” She gasped a shocked expression on her face.

      He nodded, twiddling with the loose thread on his shirt.

      “Then,” she started, pulling out bread and cheese, “we’ll have to help you get caught up.”

      They made grilled cheese, each making each other’s. Jack’s was a perfect golden brown, with gooey cheese oozing from the sides of the buttery moist bread. Iana’s was slightly burnt, since Jack was out of practice, but Iana ate it anyway.

       “So, I guess I’m going to be near you more often now,” Jack stated, gobbling up his sandwich, as if he hasn’t eaten in forever.

       Well, a couple thousand years, to be exact. Before now when Jack tried to eat food it tasted like nothing, literally. Yeah, he could feel and smell it, but it had no effect on him.

       Now all he could think about is having another grilled cheese.

     Iana saw that two, since he was staring at her half eaten sandwich. She laughed and gave it to him. Jack tried to refuse, saying she needed to eat more, but she wouldn’t have it.

     “I’m not that hungry Jack.”

     “But you ate you and your Dad’s food last night!” He exclaimed.

     “I have weird eating habits.” She laughed.

     Jack opened his mouth about to say something, but just as he was about to talk, grilled cheese was stuffed into his mouth.

     He was shocked, but chewed, and narrowed his eyes at his blushing beauty.

     “I’ll die if you stay away from me for just a night, Jack.”

     He suddenly was serious.

     “We’ll be able to last longer than a night.”

     Iana shook her head, “Jack, I won’t last that long.”

     “Why,” he asked.

     “Because my insides tried to puke themselves out last night as they froze themselves. Without you, touching me, being in the same room, I will freeze from the inside out, and I will die.”

Frost's Touch (Book One of the Eternal Warmth Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now