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Sorry for such a late upload Dx I've been busy and haven't been online much :3 so i hope you like this chapter and i'll try to make it long just for you :)


I sat on the bed and waited for what felt like hours. I had already gone through all the drawers and cabinets. I managed to find a feather and had been twirling it between my fingers.

"Dude boredom sucks!" I yelled and laid backwards.

Suddenly the door opened and I looked up to see Derrick there giving me a stern look, "Seriously Crimson? Seriously?!"

"Wait what...? I'm so confused about what's going on right now it would explode your mind."

His face hardened, "Now is not the time for jokes. You know how much trouble you just caused for me??"

"You know for a dude i met in the forest who seemed hot and attractive and all you don't seem to epic right now."

His laughter filled the room and made me want to melt, "you know for someone who freaked out at a bunny I'm surprised you jumped out a window."

"Hey, stalker, how'd y-"

"trust me we heard all about it."

"No cutting me off that's not fair as-"

"POTTY MOUTH. now who's that sounds like?" he said imitating me.

I crossed my arms and stared at him, "not cool crocodonkey."

"your so childish you know that?" he said as he laid next to me.

To prove his point i stuck my tongue out at him. I wanted to snuggle closer to him and was trying to resist the urge when he put his arm around me and pulled me to him. Electricity shot throught my body at his touch.

"you do smell good..." he said while biting his lip.

"mmmh well your pretty comfortable and you smell damn good to," was my amazing response, "I mean whhhaaaat?"

 He laughed and looked at me, "you should get some sleep."

I gave him a stern look and said "not with you here. who knows what you'll do to me in my sleep, besides i need a shower," I struggled to sit up and went in search for my clothes. When i couldn't find any i settled for stealing one of hit shirts and a pair of his sweat pants and walked into the bathroom. When i finished I opened the door, letting a cloud of steam escape as i sung ET by Katy Perry, and jumped on the bed. 

Took me a moment to notice someone staring at me from the corner of the room and sat up cautiously, "Can i help you?"

"Yes, you could be of use to me."

"Ummm well as you can see I'm about to go to sleep. So if you'd so kindly get out and come back in the morning that's be nice," I said in an innocent voice.

"I'll do what i want. when I want," he said taking a step towards me.

"Oh my lord you people are demanding. I mean honestly," I said while rubbing my temples and climbing off my bed, "If you don't leave i'm going to have to make you."

"Sweetie I'd love to see you try," He said with a grin.

Just at that moment Derrick walking and looked me over, "why are you wearing my clothes...?"

"Well theres a simple explanation for that," I said matter-of-factly as i turned back to see no one in the corner, "great now i'm going crazy to!"

"what...?" he asked completely confused.

"nothing i'm going to bed good night crocodonkey. And don't try anything while i'm asleep or I'll eat you," I warned while climbing into bed

"You don't seem as crazy," He whispered while laying down and pulling me into his arms.

"That's cuz I'm tired," I said as i yawned and stretched.

He began saying something but i was asleep before he could finish.

"Crimson come play!" the little boy yelled while holding out his hand with a happy grin.

"No let's go climb trees!"  The little girl yelled while grabbing the boys hand and running towards the nearest tree, " and don't worry if you fall I'll catch you and pull you back up."

"But Crimson, I'm bigger then you and we both know your the one who's gonna fall," He said with a cocky grin, his hair in his face.

"Oh please we both know i'm the better climber...er.. here. besides De-," The little girl, Crimson, said as her foot slipped and she began to fall, "AH HELP!"

The little boy reached out and caught her arm and held on, "Hold on i got ya! I won't let you fall I promise!"

"I'm slipping..." She whispered looking down at the ground.

The little boy lost his grip on the tree and him and Crimson went tumbling to the ground. She waited for the ground to hit her but she felt something wrap around her and cushion her fall. When she opened her eyes the little boy and wrapped his arms around her and kept her from hitting the ground, "who the better climber now?"

"Shut up are you ok??" she asked worried.

"Don't worry i'm fine. I'm sorry i let you fall, but I promise I'll do my best to keep you safe,"

And with that the dream faded.....


OK SO it's not as long as i would have liked.. i just have problems with long chapters xD so sorry about that. but i'm also making this story up as i go because i can't focus long enough to plan BUT I have a good idea in my mind right now so I'll try to upload soon and i hope you guys like this chapter and all.


love you and thanks for staying even though i haven't updated in forever I love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2011 ⏰

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