Bahama Drama Part 6.....Eiken Destroys The Family

Start from the beginning

Sonia: Another Mena

Brian: This is crazy

Jason: She told us before the plane ride

Jenn: Yeah and she wanted to surprise everyone and tell the kids

Sonia: This is crazy

Brian: I know they want a football team and this would be the only way to go

Sonia: I think we should have a talk with Erica or Eiken or whoever we see when we get back

Jenn: Go easy on her

Jason: She loves Cyn

Sonia: We will

Erica:*walks up*

Sonia: We need to talk

Erica: Where's Cyn

Sonia: Why do you care

Erica: She is my fiancé

Brian: Erica we need to talk

Erica: About what

Sonia: Let's go talk

*meanwhile with Cyn*

Cyn:*lays down*

Stella: You sure you okay

Whit: I mean if we need to go to the hospital then...gco

Cyn: I'm fine

China: If something is wrong with the baby then you need to go and get checked now

Whit: We want you and this baby good

Cyn:*stomach hurts* Damn my stomach is killing me

Stella: You need something

Cyn: Some ginger ale

China: I don't think Erica was there

Cyn: I'm going to rest okay

Stella: We are here Cyn

Cyn: Thanks

China:*feels something* Cyn *looks down*

Cyn:*flips the sheets* NOOOOOOO

Stella: We need to take you to the ER

Cyn: I can't lose this baby

China:*carrying Cyn out to the car*

Cyn: I can't lose this baby

Whit: Cyn nothing will happen

Cyn: Erica and I wanted this baby to be good

Whit: You were told after Alex you can't have kids because you wouldn't be able to carry them full term

Cyn: We can't lose this baby *tears fall*

Whit: We are here Cyn okay

China: Let's get you to the ER

The friends drive her to the ER along with her mom and dad

*meanwhile with Erica*

Brian: Sit baby girl

Erica:*sits down* What's this about

Sonia: It's about Cyn

Erica: What about her

Brian: You pushed her E

Erica: No I didn't

Brian: Yes you did.....Eiken came out and Cyn tried to stop you and you pushed her

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